Drarry slash stories

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A/N so if you haven't guess this is a slash one but in a humorous way again I mean no offence I also don't own any rights to the characters I forgot to say that last time but I highly doubt if I were J.K Rowling I'd be writing this. Enjoy!!

Harry Potter awoke one morning with a sudden realisation.

"I'm gay" he exclaimed leaping from his bed as rainbows flashed around him. He thought about it for a second however just to be sure. He opened his wallet that appeared in his hand and looked at a nude picture of Ginny. "Yup definitely I like boys." After this he spent most of his summer locked in his room because his family hated him and it seems his friends did too for allowing him to spend more than a day with the Dursley's. Keeping himself busy he worked out and had sex dreams about a silver haired Slytherin but other than that he was really depressed about being alive because everyone he loved were dead or hated him so it seems.

In the country side of Wiltshire miles away from Privet Drive. Draco Malfoy the hot Slytherin sex god woke with a sudden realisation.

"I'm gay." He exclaimed jumping gracefully out of his bed. He thought about it for a minute just to be sure. He opened his wallet that appeared in his hand and looked at the nude moving picture of Pansy Parkinson. "Yup definitely I like boys yeah!" He spent the rest of his summer being hot and sexy and occasionally abused by his father for fun not for the fact that his son has just announced he is homosexual, because a Malfoy is completely acceptable to the fact his son likes boys because they only hate people for their blood status not their sexuality. (lol)

----or more to the fact that fangirls want to give him a reason for acting the way he does----

Summer has now ended and Harry is finally escaping the prison that is his bedroom for Hogwarts where everyone is really hot. Since this is not a Dramione or a Harmony fic Hermione is standing on the platform passionately kissing Ron and barely notices Harry but that's fine as Harry doesn't pay any attention to the fact that Hermione has gone completely sex goddess and has almost all the boys in Hogwarts wishing they were Ron Weasley.

No, Harry has eyes for only one person on that platform, the silver haired Slytherin sex god, formally known as Draco Malfoy. Harry's always been secretly lusting after Draco even though it was mere seconds ago that he discovered he was gay but does that matter?Harry loved the names he called him like Scarhead, Saint Potter, hell even if Draco just said Potter Harry wanted to jump him and shag him senseless. Yet again only being gay for about maybe two minutes. He'd tell Hermione and Ron about his newly discovered love for Draco but they were too busy feeling each other up that he thought it best not to disturb them.

Once on the train and once they found an empty compartment, that wasn't hard to find at all, they sit for a brief moment until Ron stands pulling Hermione with him.

"Yeah so mate me and Hermione are going to find a empty compartment where I'll shag her senseless. Will you be okay sitting her all depressed and lonely until Draco comes?" Ron asks but doesn't wait for an answer and pulls Hermione away.

Draco arrives shortly after they have left and notices Harry being depressed and lonely. "Well well if it isn't Saint Potter where's Weaselbee and Mudblood?"

"Leave me alone Malfoy"

Draco gracefully turns away and leaves feeling hurt because he too is secretly in love with Harry and has been since the first time they met even though he just realised he was gay that morning.

However now at Hogwarts Dumbledore the wise old wizard has decided that all Gryffindor's must be in the same classes as Slytherin's and since this is a slash fic no one really knows what Ginny's doing other than possibly shagging Dean if he's not busy with Seamus. In potions they exchange brief eye contact sessions.

"Why does ferret boy keep looking at you mate?" Ron asks.

"Hey don't call him that!" Harry exclaims turning back to look at him some more. "Come on mate you must admit he may be a git but he's a sexy git that I just want to..." Harry realises he has not yet told his friends that he has secretly been in love with Draco since first year or rather nine paragraphs ago. He is saved as they just shrug and start passionately snogging.

"1000 points from Gryffindor for existing." Professor Snape drawls as he walks into class all greasy and ugly and glares at everyone in the room. "Today the author of this fanfiction has used the Harry Potter Wikia page to see what potion they could write so we will be doing a love potion. Also I am to put all you dunderheads into pairs but since this is really only a drarry fic Potter." He drawls "you will be working with Mr Malfoy. The rest of you's do what you want I'll just stand here glaring at you's and taking points from Gryffindor if I catch anyone breathing."

They begin to make the potion and Harry and Draco share various insults that leads to a strong build of sexual tension that has Harry jumping on Draco passionately kissing him. Snape takes another thousand points and sentences them both to detention later that night.

At detention Snape makes them clean his stock cupboard and even though he has a tendency to blame Harry for any absent stock he leaves them for no reason what so ever.

"Potter" the sound of Draco say his name makes Harry hard.

"Malfoy I've been waiting for you and I to be alone for so long."

"Well Potter since there is only you and me in this cupboard I feel the need to tell you that I'm gay and I've been in love with you for almost two full days in this fanfiction."

"Draco I've waited so long for you to say those words to me I too have just discovered my undying love for you." Harry replies as he gently puts his hands through Draco silver hair.

"Oh darling let us forget about this stupid detention and find a nice broom cupboard somewhere I can shag you senseless." Draco exclaims.

"Why not here we both know Snape has gone for his nightly visit to Dumbledore's office."

"Yes here anywhere I don't care I just need to shag you now."

It isn't long afterwards before Draco and Harry go public with their relationship, Lucius being the extremely accepting man he is has no trouble accepting this and Draco's mother is completely supportive of his choice. Harry has a deep conversation with Ron and Hermione and they are cool with it and return to snogging each other.

Nine months later a surprise that brings everyone together.

----- I'm actually worried if people believe this could happen-----

Harry gives birth to his and Draco's son. They live a happy and sexy life together even when old age hits them.

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