The Break {Chapter 3}

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Just saying, I haven't actually seen A Dog's Purpose, but it still contains spoilers.



"So, about you and Patton..." Anxiety started.

"W-What?" I stuttered, "What do you mean?" I rolled my head onto its side, Virgil had not moved, he stayed laid down looking at the stars.

"You're smitten by him huh?" I felt my face heat up and that funny sensation in my stomach. Anxiety still, did not move. "Even right now, I bet just the mention of him makes you blush and gives you butterflies."

A shooting star shot past and I watched Virgil's eyes light up with wonder and happiness. It's not something I always saw in Anxiety, when he is with Princey he had that happiness but once again when he left the room, it was gone. It was nice to see him happy.

"Well, yes I suppose I do but I think I found an emotion that described those feelings, love, correct?" I stated. Anxiety smiled.

"Yeah, thats it. Heh, your secret is safe with me," he paused "... And Princey." I looked back to the stars.

"Thank you, Virgil." I thanked, he chuckled.


A little while passed, and eventually we took out our cameras and were taking photos.

"Anx can you get away from the cliff please?" He stood, toes hanging off the edge of the cliff, I was slightly concerned.

"Hm, why should I?" He hummed smugly as he shot another photo of a shooting star.

"I'll tell Roman." I watched as his smugness turned to fear, he stood by me almost instantly. I even chuckled slightly. "Come on, we should get going. The movie they're watching will almost be finished and I'd like to ge-"

"Get home for Patton?" He grinned, finishing my sentence. I blushed, hoping he did not see it. He laughed when I could not find the right words to reply. "C'mon, lets's go then. This was fun though, thank you." He smiled warmly.

"Yes, it was, thank you for inviting me." I smiled back.


When we faded back into the mind, as expected, I saw the credits on screen and Patton and Roman sobbing on the couch.

Virgil smirked to himself and went and cuddled Prince. I headed to Patton, in a hope to comfort him.

"Logannnnn," he whined as I sat down on the couch next to him. "The dogggiiieeees dieeeeed" he sniffled a little as tears poured down his face. Slowly, he leaned into me, and I awkwardly put my arm round him as he cried into my chest.

I noticed Roman and Virgil smiling at us, so I looked away, blushing. They headed off to Virgil's room and Patton wrapped his arms round me. I leaned back onto the sofa, so he was practically lying on me. I felt him relax as he stopped crying.

"Thank you." he whispered.

"No problem." I smiled back. He was so small, and cute. His warmth against me was relaxing. Carefully, I removed my coat and placed it on top of him. Taking off my scarf too.

We stayed like that for what felt like hours, but I loved it. I did not think it would be something I would enjoy. But I did. Every now and then he would shift slightly I worried I would not be comfortable enough for him.

"Patton, are you comfortable?" I checked if he was asleep when I got no reply. He was, I took off his glasses for him and placed them on the table.

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