Am I dreaming?

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Mariana glanced around IT. IT was the plane in between the human realm and the monster realm.On the monster realm,you cannot be summoned . Yet on IT..You could. Its the way Human contact the.."Aliens." as they call them. She stood up,rubbing her head. She thought to herself:Oh no..No no NO.NO.NO! THIS CANT BE HAPPENING!!" But yes.It was happening to her,and soon enough a human would summon her and she'd have to stay in their realm till devil knows when. There was nothing in IT,except the puny monsters that desire to be noticed. The world was completely monochrome,and the only thing considered "Furniture" was the Viewer pods. She quietly walked over to one,stepping in. She pressed the VIEW button and the screen  lit up,showing multiple people summoning demons. She typed in her name and two young boys appeared on screen.She could just about make out that they were on some sort of cliff ,starting the incantation to summon her. She gasped,stepping out of the pod and trying to run away. She felt herself being slowly lifted off of the ground. She screamed"NO! SOMEONE GET ME DOWN FROM HERE RIGHT THIS INSTANT!" A tall,male demons head looked up at he,calling out her name while laughing.She looked at him with desperate eyes,screaming once before fading away into nothing.

Aaron and Miles had just finished the incantation to summon the demon,they sat down patiently. They were exhausted,they never knew it could be so tiring to do a simple spell. Miles yawned,leaning on a rock."Do you think it even worked? I mean,we've been waiting for over 5 minutes." Miles said boredly,dramatically throwing his hands in the air.  Aaron stood up,getting the dirt off of his jeans."Let's just go,it was worth a shot.We'll check if anything happened tomorrow." Both boys stretched,begining to walk away. Out of nowhere,the boys were launched forward,almost falling off of the cliff. A bright purple light shone from the circle,a figure slowly rising from it. The boys looked up in horror as they saw none other than the demon they had tried to hard to summon. It had been summoned.

The demon before them groaned,holding its head.  Aaron heard it say an almost inaudiable sentence "Ugh..where am I-Oh no..Please just let this be a nightmare.." Miles shot up,grinning widely "It ain't no dream dude! Your on earth!" Aaron just stared at the demon,thinking about a million things at once. Suddenly the demon turned to them,glaring daggers into their souls. The demon spoke in a loud,angry voice. Aaron could tell that it was a female."What on earth did you two brats summon me for? I expected ATLEAST someone with a little class!" She exclaimed,black flames taking place where her eye once was.  She pointed at the two boys "You'd best tell me whats going on here,and do it before I destroy the universe as you know it!" The boys stared at her,mouths wide open. They tried to speak,but no sound came out.  She flew straight into Miles face,speaking in a harsh tone "Explain to me flesh bag,why  summon a demon if you were doubting it'd work?"

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