Told You So

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Run! Get Away from here! What if he saw you??  That was what was racing through Mariana's head as she soared through the sky towards Aaron's house.Mariana landed on the young boy's roof,the boys were in the front lawn having a water balloon fight.Her wings folding into her back,disappearing as if they were never there.She watched the two,full to the brim with curiosity."Hey,what are you to morons doing?" She called down to them.Aaron looked up her,a mischievous grin on his face.He picked up a water balloon from the bucket,and threw it straight at Mariana's face.Mariana,who was in complete and utter shock,didn't get the chance to dodge it. It exploded in her face,soaking her clothes and hair. The hair that was once covering her left eye was moved,her eye now being shown.It was completely black with what looked to be an entire galaxy inside.

"Oh.So that's how you wanna play,flesh bag?" she challenged,jumping into the air.She landed infront of the bucket. Multiple arms grew from her sides as she picked up every.Single.Balloon. "RUN!" Miles shouted,booking it back to his house. Half of them managed to hit Miles in the back with the rest hitting Aaron. She yelled "YOU'RE THE ONES WHO DECIDED TO MESS WITH A DEMON,PAY THE PRICE!" She snickered,carrying on her attack. After about two hours of the boys being pummeled,she finnaly decided they had enough. The boys slowly walked up to her,making sure she wasn't going to spawn anymore. She grinned " That was FUN,wasn't it boys?" She said,her face twisting into something that belonged in a nightmare.The boys screamed,booking it back to their separate homes.The demon chuckled,about to walk inside when she heard two voices behind her.

She glanced behind her to see the girl from earlier,the one who summoned..Him.Next to her was a tall,strong-looking boy about her age.His hair was midnight black with a purple streak through the center of his head.He wore black jeans and a black t-shirt with the words "Fear Me" with a bloodied knife image on it.He had a piercing through his nose.The boy caught her staring and grinned,giving a small wave.Mariana snapped back to reality,rolling her eyes and walking off into the house.The boy chuckled before speed walking up to the girl,talking to her.Aaron tapped Mariana's shoulder,."So.Is he..a friend of your's or somethin'?" He asked.Mariana whipped her head to face him,an angry look on her face. "No,you idiotic excuse for an entity of the universe.I don't even know his name,his presence gave off an..unatural,sense of unease." Aaron blinked a few times before nodding his head like he understood,heading up to his room.When he opened the door he a little..Supprise. He saw a face in his window,grinning from ear to ear.He screamed,backing into the wall.The face's grin turned to one who belonged to an obvious maniac,a hand pressing against the window.Aaron suddenly had a feeling he was in for more than be bargained for for summoning a demon.He was in trouble.BIG trouble..


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