I Hate You.

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Mariana was furious,she couldn't beleive a demon as high class as her was summoned by two..Two..kids! She had screamed in ones face,and was waiting for a response. Suddenly the boy screamed like a little girl,blocking his face and almost falling backwards.She covered her ears and chuckled,flying backwards away from him. She looked down at the two,grinning madly."So..am I getting an answer flesh bag or are we doing this the HARD WAY?" The boys yelped,now on the edge of the cliff. One of them stepped forward,fake bravery written all over his face. "W-we just wanted t-t-t-to see if you were r-r-real!" he said,she laughed at his stutter. "Well,am I real enough for ya kiddies?" She snickered,her long claw grabbing ahold of the boys heads. "Listen closely.My boss sent me here because he thought it was a genius idea of a punishment.Just being here is awful,and since you two are now my "Masters" you can boss me around. I have a few rules,and if you break one,I break you.Deal?" The boys nodded shakily,fear burnt into their eyes. She let go of them,laying down in the air. "Alright then,Rule number one.Don't touch me.Simple as that. Two,I can't do anything at all without your permission,so you have to give me a set of your own rules. Aaaand that's it.Got it?" The boys nodded,the one in re grinned.

Miles grinned,instantly asking the demon before them a thousand questions.The demon looked at him,raising an eyebrow. It spoke in an annoyed tone. 'Atleast shes not angry anymore..' Aaron thought. "My name is Mariana.And no, I do not know a flying Dorito." She had a VERY confused look on her face. Aaron stepped forward "Flying dori-oh..Sorry Mariana,he's talking about a TV show." Mariana turned to face him,snapping her fingers. There was a bright flashing light,and once it cleared the boys looked back at the demon. Aaron's jaw dropped and Miles gasped,covering his own mouth and shutting his friend's jaw with the spare hand. The once nightmare-ish demon had turned into a twelve year old girl with long black hair with purple and blue streaks. She wore a skull barrette with a black t-shirt. A jacket was tied around her waist,she had on a pair of light blue jeans with rips and tears in them. The boys stared in awe until she tried taking a step forward,falling flat. "Dang it...Flesh bag! How does this thing work!?" she exclaimed,standing up and repeatedly falling while trying to walk. She finnaly glanced up at the two boys with an unamused  expression. "Uh,mind helping me?! You good for nothing brats.."  Miles smirked,a playful tone in his voice "But Mariana,you said we can't touch you! And I really don't wanna suffer the consequences!" Aaron stared at his friend,had he already forgotten she was a demon?? Sure,she looked a lot less threatening than before,but still! Mariana looked at miles and clenched her fist. She sighed,floating up and martching towards miles with her hands in fists.Miles blocked his face while Aaron stared at her,he spoke up "Mariana you did it! you took your first steps!" She turned to face him,smiling "Thank you,Aaron." Her eyes widened at what she had said,a disgusted expression on her face."What did I..? Ugh! You humans and your stupid emotions! Forget I ever said that,flesh bag." Miles chuckled,walking up to her. "I think you'll adjust to us quite easily,Mariana."

Hmmm? a flying Dorito?? I wonder who that could be! Leave it down in the comments if you know! Have an amazing day Flesh bags! I mean..People!

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