Excuse me?

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"Psshh,yeah,I  doubt it flesh bag." Mariana said,crossing her arms. "Why don't we head back down,Mariana you can hang with me at my place.We've got school tomorrow so..Im not exactly sure how that's gonna work." Mariana smirked,starting to walk down the cliff. "Aaron..Have you already forgotten Im a being of pure energy,An Immortal,A..A GOD!?I CAN MANIPULATE TIME AND SPACE WITH A WAVE OF MY HAND! She laughed like someone who belonged in an asylum."Do you honestly think I don't have it covered,you idiotic flesh sack?!" Aaron looked at the ground,rolling his eyes."Yeah yeah,whatever Mari.." he said,stuffing his hands in his pockets.The demoness looked at him,narrowing her visible eye."Who said you could shorten my name,brat?" She hissed,swiping her finger across her chest.A rock slid infront of Aaron,making him trip and roll down the hill.Miles quickly ran to his friend,trying to get him to stop rolling.Yet in the process,he too,fell down and started his tumble to the bottom.Mariana chuckled,floating up above the two,watching their descent. Hmm..I wonder if they're having fun falling to their possible doom.She thought.

She looked away,admiring the view from up there.Out of the corner of her eye,she spotted a bright flash of light in the distance.The boys,who had crashed into a giant boulder at the bottom rubbed their heads,mumbling to eachother.She hear one yell"THANKS ALOT FOR THE HELP,MARIANA!" The demon sighed,mumbling a "Im gonna go see something." before taking off to where the light had come from.She sat atop of the tallest tree in the clearing,and witnessed another demon rise from the portal below.A young,tall girl stood there,her eyes huge.Mariana assumed she had been the summoner,and was pretty shocked that it'd had actually worked.The area they were in was a large,sunny clearing with wild flowers scattered about.It was quite a beautiful scene..That is,until the demon had fully taken form,The ground below him instantly dying as he touched it.

She listened in on the conversation,the demons voice was obviously from a male.The voice was loud and clear,it rang through the forest."Hello there,little girl... Now Do tell..Where Am I?"It spoke,grinning madly.It's back was turned to Mariana,but no doubt knew someone was watching.Mariana hid in the leaves as the demon turned to look behind him.She finaly got to see his face,and her jaw dropped at the sight. She quickly panicked,afraid the the demon would see her dark clothes through the lush,bright green leaves.She latched her feet onto a study branch,and launched herself off the tree.A set of midnight blue wings sprouted from her back,allowing her to fly away from the ritual as quickly as possible. 

                                    Sorry about this being a short cha,Hey,what are you doing?!-HEY FLESH SACKS! WHAT THE AUTHOR WAS TRYING TO SAY WAS SHE WAS LAZY AND WANTED TO WRITE SOMETHING QUICK.BECAUSES SHES SO LAZY! GET IT!? AHAH! SO...MARIANA OUT!

Have an amazing Day!

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