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"How did this happen to you?" I asked Tyler.
"Some díck made this . . . This . . . Thing." He sighed.
I didn't know what to say. A hybrid? Much more dangerous than a werewolf and a vampire combined!

Was I safe to go on this date with him?

Of course you're safe! Do you really think Damon and Stefan would allow you to go on this date if they thought Tyler was a danger to you?

I looked out the window as we stopped outside a beautiful Italian restaurant. Tyler got out of the car and walked round to open my door. This gave me enough time to calm down and take deep breaths.

When Tyler opened the door, he kissed my hand gently.
"This way, m'lady." He said, holding out his arm for me to take.
"Why, thank you." I giggled as I wrapped my arm around his.

He led me into the restaurant and a waitress approached us immediately.
"Hi, can I help?" He asked us with a gleaming smile.
"Yes, I made a reservation for a table for two." Tyler informed the waitress.
"Yes, of course, Mr Lockwood. Follow me." She said.

Tyler and I walked behind her as she led us to a secluded part of the restaurant where there were no other people.

I bet he specifically asked for this table.

"Here is your table. Would you like anything to drink?" The waitress asked us, placing two menus in front of us.
Quickly, I flicked through the menu until I found the drinks.

Hmm . . . Soda? Water?

"Two glasses of red wine please." Tyler told the girl, ordering for both of us.
I looked up at him with wide eyes.
"Of course. I'll be back right away with your drinks." She said before leaving the area.

"We're not even 21!" I snapped. "Well, technically, you're not 21. I'm 170 years old. But they don't know that!"
"Calm down!" Tyler laughed. "I'm the Mayor's son. They'd be too scared to say no to me."
"Well I guess that's one advantage of dating he Mayor's son." I giggled.

"Here are your drinks. I'll be back soon to take your orders." The waitress said, placing two glasses of red wine in front of us. She then left the area again while Tyler and I looked through our menus.

"What do you recommend for a starter?" I asked Tyler.
"I like the bruschetta with cheese and tomato. But I also think that the minestrone soup is to die for." Tyler informed me.
"Oh, well in that case, I think I will have minestrone soup for my starter." I said with a smile.
Tyler smiled as soon as I smiled.

10 more minutes passed before the waitress returned to take our orders.
"So what can I get the two of you tonight?" She asked us politely.
Tyler looked at me, allowing me to order first.
"I'll have minestrone soup for my started. And then for my main, I think I will have spaghetti bolognese." I told the waitress as she was writing my order frantically.
She then looked at Tyler.

"I'll have minestrone soup for my starter as well, please. And for my main, I will have lasagne. And could we also get a bottle of red wine for the table?" Tyler asked her.
"Of course, Mr Lockwood." She said before leaving again.

"Are you trying to get me drunk tonight, Mr Lockwood?" I asked him with a smirk before taking a sip of my wine.
"No, of course not . . . I mean- I . . ." Tyler stuttered.
"Don't worry about it, Ty. I'm just kidding!" I giggled.

He smiled nervously.

"So tell me about yourself." Tyler said, raising his glass of wine to his lips.
"Uhm . . . There's not much to tell." I sighed.
"C'mon. You said yourself, you're 170 years old. Surely you have something to say about yourself." He chuckled. "What's your favourite animal?"
"Cats." I answered, smiling at the fact that he wanted to get to know me.

"See? You can tell me something about yourself!" He laughed.
"Okay, well I guess . . . I left Mystic Falls in 1864, a few days after Stefan turned me into a vampire. From 1864 up until 1920, I was completely alone. I travelled. However, from 1920 to 1929, I was with Damon. Then I abandoned him to start a life with the most amazing man I had ever met. We were together for a long time. But in the end, it didn't work out. He left me." I told Tyler.

"Well whoever that jerk was, he was an idiot for leaving you." Tyler said, annoyed.

A couple minutes passed while we talked and our starters arrived, along with the bottle of wine that Tyler ordered.

I looked up at Tyler who was already beginning to eat his food. The previous night, I had not noticed just how good looking this guy really was. Although he was a hybrid, I was so sure that this relationship was going to work. It had to.
I had not felt this way since . . . Since Niklaus.

You need to stop being so scared of saying his name.

Tyler was different though. I didn't know what it was about him that made him so different. But there was definitely something there.

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