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"I mean, I don't think it's wrong that you still want Klaus to be a part of your life. All I'm saying is that he has hurt so many people and, in my opinion, Tyler would be much better for you." Caroline told me as she sat down on my bed.
"I know but Klaus and I have so much history. We had a child . . . Our beautiful daughter. I just don't know if I can let that go. What if, one day, we find out Alice is still alive?" I sighed.
"I'm sorry, Skye. I know you two have history. But so do Matt and I, yet I got over him." Caroline said.

I looked out the window and watched as a familiar car pulled up outside the house.
Stefan was home.
He got out of the car just as the passenger door opened. The person who stepped out of the car was Tyler. He looked up at my bedroom window and made eye contact with me. He smiled before looking back at Stefan.

I moved away from the window and looked at Caroline.
"What?" She asked me.
"Stefan's home . . . With Tyler." I informed her.
"Stefan's here? How do I look?" She asked as she shot up from the bed and looked in my mirror. She started fixing her hair and re-doing her lipgloss.
"You look fine, Caroline." I laughed. "Why do you care so much about what my brother thinks about you?"
"Oh, uh . . . I don't c-care at all." She stuttered before sitting down and acting as "natural" as possible.

Hmm, she definitely had a crush on Stefan. But that was none of my business.

Just minutes later, there was a knock on my bedroom door and Caroline and I looked at each other.
"Come in!" I called.
In came Stefan and Tyler. As soon as Tyler's eyes met mine, he smiled; That beautiful, warm smile that made my heart melt every single time.

"Oh, hi, Caroline! I didn't know you were going to be here." Stefan said, nervously.
"Stefan, why don't you and Caroline go to the Homecoming Dance together?" I suggested, putting both of them on the spot.
They both looked at me with wide eyes.
"I . . . Uhm . . . I d-don't think . . ." Stefan stuttered.
"Stefan wouldn't w-want to g-go with me . . . Right?" Caroline stuttered also.
They looked at each other.

Tyler burst out laughing, uncontrollably.
"Why don't you take Caroline into your room to discuss it?" I asked Stefan.
"Uhm . . . Yeah . . . S-sure." She said before leading Caroline out of my bedroom.

"What a way to make them both feel uncomfortable!" Tyler laughed.
"What is their problem? Why don't they just date each other?" I asked him.
"They've liked each other for a really long time. They just don't know that he feeling is mutual." Tyler told me as he sat down on my bed.

I sat down beside him, looking down at the floor.
"What's wrong?" He asked me.
"Nothing. I'm fine." I lied.

I was thinking about the situation with Niklaus and Tyler. I didn't know what to do. If I chose one of them, I'd be hurting the other. I didn't want either of them to be hurt.

"Klaus isn't normally like that, y'know." I mumbled.
"Like what?" He asked.
"Cold hearted. A murderer. Evil. With me, he was never any of those things. I think I can change him. If you all just gave him a chance, you'd see that he is a different man when he is with me." I insisted.
"He killed my mom, Skye." Tyler reminded me.

"I know . . . And I am sorry for what he did to you; killing your mom, turning you into a hybrid. I am truly sorry. I understand that some things he did are unforgivable, but all I'm asking is for someone to give him a chance." I sighed.

I knew that Klaus was different. I knew the loving, careful, gentle Niklaus that nobody else knew. I knew that he was in there somewhere.

I just needed other people to see it.

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