chapter 6

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- - - - - - - - - Kaya's POV - - - - - - - - - - - -

After slipping on my vintage Nike track jacket to finish my look that consisted of black leggings, a tight black, short sleeved crop top and nike white air force 1 shoes. My hair was in a messy bun and makeup was natural.

I grabbed my house keys, placing them into my pocket and doing the same with my phone. Stark requested me at the tower for goodness knows what, most of the time its pointless me being over there, i think he just wants company. I don't blame him, it would get lonely in skyscraper all to yourself. Pepper's probably doing some businessey stuff so he's home alone.

I bounced down the stairs, I haven't seen Tony in months and I've missed his banter. Dont even get me started on drunk Tony and I, most of the time im crying with laughter and hes slumped in his iron man suit on the sofa. Most of the times when tequila, Tony and i are involved something bad happens... last time:


"You know what we haven't done?" Tony says to me, turning hid head to me. Both of us are currently drinking some expensive wisky on one of the hundreds of couches in the tower. I'm not quite sure how we got into this state.

"What?" I ask. Here we go.

"We've never raced before." Tony slurs, taking another swig of the alcoholic beverage.

"What do you mean?" I giggled at the random topic he brought up.

"Out of us two, whos faster?" He asks, getting up.

"It depends." I take another sip of wisky, the liquor burns my throat and i scrunch my face making Tony laugh.

"On what?"

"If we were to fly in a straight line, you'd win but if we were flying through Manhattan, i'd win. You're faster but im more agile." I explain, swinging my legs off the couch.

"But im still faster." He retorts.

"No you're not." I argue.

He shrugs his shoulders and moves his head to the side, "Well, I am."

"Well, you're not." I stand up and face him.

"I didn't invite you to this bbq so why are you up in my grill?" He says, our faces only an inch apart. I try to conceal my smile but fail and choke out a laugh after stepping back.

"Well, theres only one way to settle this." He says.

"You know the course or do you need a satnav?" He asks as we walk to his balcony. Tony is already suited up and ready to go.

"I'll be fine." I laugh, narrowing my eyes jokingly. Closing my eyes, i beckoned my wings. The tingling sensation ran through my upper back. Luckily, i chose to wear a low back tank top.

Tony stood on the railings and offered his hand to pull me up. My heart felt like it was beating out of my chest when i looked down. You would think that by now, heights dont make my stomach churn.

"Ready?" I asked, looking ahead at the millions of lights that make up the city. I could stare at it for hours on end and not get bored, its mesmerising.

"When am i not?" He smirks flipping down his helmet.

"3..2-" i count down but jump off the edge before i reach one. It feels as if my heart just stopped, free falling always gets my blood pumping.

I skimmed the glass building, wings flat out and i could see the floors filled with random stuff that the avengers would need. Everything that i would ever need in life would easily fit into one floor so i don't know why you would need about a hundred?

The ground came closer and i pulled up and went shooting down the avenue with stark not so far behind. I lifted my wing to look under at Tony who was catching up.

The first turn was up, so i twisted my body to be parallel to the buildings causing me to round the corner. Tony has to slow down otherwise when he turns, he'll go straight into the building.

Once straightened out, Tony comes round the corner so i flap my wings making me go much faster than i was. The next part of the race was doing a lap round the island which is where Stark would overtake me. Ahead at the end of the street was the sea, it took no time to get there.

As soon as i rushed out from between the buildings it became quieter except for the wind whistling in my ear. I started to fly round the island, skimming the water which was part of the course.

I lifted my wing again to see where stark was, he wasn't behind me anymore. Worried and confused, i looked around thinking he would be flying next to me. Nothing but an ocean that stretched for miles and jungle of lights and concrete.

"Look up." A voice snapped my attention towards where it came from. Above me was the iron suit that contained the billionaire. "You cheated."

"No i didn't." I protested, defending myself.

"Yeah..yeah" he sighed, his suit wobbled probably due to the drunkness. I would stop him but im too drunk to really understand what's going on aswell.

I flapped my large, white feathered wings to gain the lead again but Tony overtook me as we came up to the bridge. We have to fly underneath it then loop up and fly above the road. Doesn't seem that hard right?

Tony flies through and has to do large loop because he isn't as flexible; its also probably harder to do in an iron suit. My turn. As i rush under the bridge, water sprays from beneath me due to the fact that I'm probably going 80 miles an hour.

I curl my body upwards causing me to curve upsidedown and do a loop to loop up onto the bridge. Tony has only just starting flying across and is not far infront, i could catch up. Many bystanders on the bridge gaze up at us, wondering what the fuck are we doing.

Once we go passed the bridge, entering the city we can take an route we wish to get back to the tower but the only rule that we've made for this race states that neither of us can fly above building height.

Gaining speed again, i rush through the metal structure and into the city instantly surrounded by tall glass buildings. If i reach my hand out infront, i would almost be able to touch Tony. Theres hardly a gap between us. Unexpectedly, i decided to grab Tony's suit and try to pull myself to the lead. Somehow i managed to succeed in my plans. "Stop cheating!" An angry tipsy man in a red suit shouted at me. I only laughed before spotting a building being held up by stilts.

"Catch me if you can." I grinned, swooping down to ground level and fitting through the gap under the concrete. It was only about 4 meters high and it was a miracle that i could race through it at 60 miles an hour. Quite some speed there.

On the other side of the gap was a tight turn which i nailed amazingly otherwise i would have gone straight- Smash! My glee abruptly stopped when the sound of glass shattering echoed through surprisingly quiet street.

I pulled my wings up so i was perpendicular to the the ground, slowing myself. Behind me, glass scattered the floor, glinting in the orange street lights and massive hole in the side of an office block. Stark never made it under and out the other side of the building.

"Shit" i muttered before gliding over to the mess hoping that Tony's alright. I mean, why wouldn't he be? I know he's just crashed into a glass wall but isn't he wearing an iron suit? He should be fine and i don't know why I'm so worried.

"Tony?" I call out. No lights are on in the building so i can't see whos in there. "Tony, are you in there?" I hear shuffling so whoevers in there is thankfully alive.

"Ow." A robotic voice groaned.

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