Chapter Five: Quite The Morning

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I wake up alone and in a whole lot of pain.

I groan and roll over, shoving my face into the pillow as I writhe on the bed. I don't think I'll be able to stand so I just stay there, under tell heavy blanket and in pain. I whimper and grit my teeth, no way I'll be able to survive this daily. I drop my head back into the pillow and just go slack, trying to ignore the pain.

The door creaks and I gulp, pretending to be asleep. "King Ryan?" Calls out a new voice I've never heard. My eyes widen and I blush, sitting up only to pull the blanket over myself and push myself against the headboard. A man is standing there with crooked glasses, pristine clothing, and a happy smile. But like everyone else, he has black eyes.

"Luke told me to stay away from here but- I guessed you would be in pain. I've brought you medication from your realm" He says, adjusting his glasses with hold hand and holding out a bowl of soup in the other. "I crushed the tablets and added them to some soup for your throat, sire"

My eyes widen and I feel myself smile a little, pinching the blanket to my body with my arms as in lower my knees. "Thank you.." I smile, and the man approaches before handing me the bowl. "I'm Mini" He smiles back, confidence lining his voice. "Please, just call me Ryan" I insist, holding the soup on my lap.

"Thank God for a royal who isn't full of himself" Mini smirks, stepping back. I laugh and little and nod, playing with the spoon in my soup. "If you look inside the closet, the left side is full of clothing your size for both genders, so you can get dressed. The bathroom is just behind that door. I must be leaving before Luke finds me" Mini smiles, dropping in a bow before running off without letting me say goodbye.

I feel my heart warm and lift up the bowl, blowing on the soup before taking a small sip. I smile and eat, slowly feeling better as the pain dissapears. I sigh happily and put the bowl on the bedside, looking around. I get up and limp around, going to the closet. I open it and my eyes widen, it's huge.

I just gather a black shirt and some jeans, grabbing a pair of boxers and some back socks before heading to the bathroom and opening the red painted door. The bathroom is huge, with a luxurious sink made of some kind of beautiful stone. It matches the ginormous shower which has a bath clinging to the side of it.

I gulp and put the clothing in the sink, which is thankfully dry. I step into the shower to turn it on, and suddenly I'm drenched in water that's just the right temptature. There's no door but the water that should end up on the floor doesn't. Demon magic has its perks. I find a chunk black soap with blood purple flower petals stuck into it and wash off since it's the only thing I can find.

I wash over scabs and bruises, wincing every now and then. My body throbs as I finish cleaning myself off, forcing myself to leave the very nice shower and grab a towel that was definitely styled for Luke's height and body type. I struggle to dry myself off with the giant mass of heavy fabric, finally getting dry enough to change.

I straighten my shirt and look into the body mirror with a sigh. The mark on my neck is more then visable and I sigh as red fills my cheeks. I slowly approach the door of the bedroom and gulp, slowly gripping the handle. Here we go, I got this.

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