Chapter Twenty-Two: Help.

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I try to run back into the bathroom and close the door, but suddenly Bryce is in front of me and holding the towel. He teleported?! Not even Luke can teleport! "Where you going?" Bryce snickers as I start shaking, eyes wide. "I see you're about to have a kid!" He licks his lips and disgust crawls over my shoulders. "Is it mine?"

"N-No! It's Luke's! Let g-go of me you m-monster!" I scream, reaching up to slap him. Bryce catches my wrist and clicks his tongue. "Now that's no way to treat your babies father. Listen, Luke can't keep you safe from one person and he has an army. Come with me. We'll raise the kid together and start our own army, become more powerful then him" Bryce says.

"N-Never! Luke already marked me and- and I marked him! Leave me alone!" I feel tears rolling down my face and scream when Bryce picks me up. He holds me against the wall and I start sobbing when I feel the baby kick multiple times, if I lose this damn child I will kill myself. "Shush-sh-sh, no reason to scream" Bryce chuckles, gripping my jaw so I can't open my mouth.

"Now, I've been told I'm very persuasive" He hums, looking at me through his eyelashes. "I'll take you with me when I leave. It's not like you can't give birth and it's not like you can beat me" He chuckles, coming up with a plan on his head when I whimper and tears rolling down my cheeks. "I'll bite over Luke's mark and make you mine. There's not much either of you can about it at this point"

"YOU SON OF A BITCH!" Luke roars behind Bryce, and I sob in relief. Luke tackles Bryce and Tyler catches me, carrying me to the closet. Mini joins me and the doors shut as Mini holds my head against his chest and rubs my back. I sob loudly but the fighting through the closet door is louder, roaring and screaming and cursing and shouting.

"I-Is the baby o-okay?" I sob, shaking against Mini. He looks down and pats my back. "Don't worry, I won't hurt you" He promises before putting his hand between my thighs. "No blood, I think you're okay" He says, but I just cry louder. "It's okay Ryan, it's okay. It's one against five, Luke'll win and it'll be fine"

The wall shakes and I whimper, pushing closer to Mini. He hushes me and pets my hair, trying to pull me closer as I shake like mad. I wrap my hands around my stomach and breathe in quickly before sobbing it all out again. The fight continues on right outside the doors, Mini dragging me back further into the closet.

I hear a slam and then Bryce laughing, my eyes widening in fear. "And the proud king falls! How does it feel, Luke?! To be the one on your knees for once! I'll fucking ruin you, take your life, take your castle, hell, I'll take your little bitch and your kid. You'll be the one in the dungeons tonight!" Bryce cackles, Mini slapping his hand over my mouth as I start crying again.

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