Her Little Sister ✧ Tom

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Type: Fluff
Published: September 23, 2017
POV: Tom's POV
Warning: None
Word Count: 903
I knocked on (y/n)'s door three times and gave it five seconds before I was met with a beautiful smile.

"Tom!" (Y/n) wraps her arms around my neck. I take in the hug and laugh at her welcoming nature. "Hey (y/n)." (Y/n) pulls away and allows me to step in.

Walking into the familiar home, I see someone sitting on the couch watching TV. It was a girl and she looked younger than (y/n). All I saw coming in was her hair that was the same color as (y/n)'s; I assumed it was her sister.

"Amelia, this is Tom." (Y/n) starts as the girl named Amelia turns around. She was stuffing her face with popcorn, the bowl on her lap. As she chewed her snack, Amelia gave a wave and I returned the gesture.

"Nice to meet you." I said with a friendly grin.

"I'm gonna go get my stuff and then we go, okay?" (Y/n) says in my ear, already turning her body to her stairs. I nod as she leaves my side, leaving me awkwardly standing in the living room.

Amelia looked at me quickly and I raise my brows when she puts the bowl of popcorn on the coffee table in front of her and stands up.

"So you're (y/n)'s boyfriend? The reason why she's always smiling down at her phone?" Amelia began as she made her way in front of me. I looked down at (y/n)'s little sister and nodded.

"Well let me just cut to the chase." Amelia went on her tippy toes to get closer to my face. She was still a good distance since she was short.

"You're dating my sister and I trust you to get her home before 10 pm!" Amelia pointed her finger at me. I nodded rapidly as she took on a commander stance.

"Will do." I replied as Amelia stepped back a little. "If you don't, you're gonna be left with a warning only this once." Amelia crossed her arms as she put her weight on one leg.

I purse my lips in reaction to this very odd situation. "Don't nod! This is serious. We're talking about (y/n) for god's sake!" My eyes went wide.

"Amelia stop yelling!!" I then hear (y/n) from upstairs. Amelia swivels her head to the stairs before looking at me again. Her eyebrows knit together and she gets close to me again.

"This doesn't have to do anything with the 'date' you two are going on, but if you hurt her, I'll hurt you." Amelia came really close to my face whilst cracking her knuckles. I leaned back a little, watching her eyes scan my face as if she's trying to bring out the fear in me.

Putting my hands up in defense, Amelia goes back down to her normal height. Honestly, she is kind of scary, but she's like 10 years younger than me!

"Okay I'm ready." (Y/n)'a voice gets louder as she makes her way down the stairs. She finds Amelia and I face to face and she walks her way to my side.

"Everything alright?" (Y/n) raises an eyebrow while adjusting her pocketbook strap.

"All good!" Amelia exclaims, completely removing her intimidating demeanor. My eyebrow goes up in confusion as I watched the little girl shoot up an innocent smile at her sister.

"Okay. I'll be back in a couple hours. Dad is sleeping upstairs so you can bug him if you need anything." (Y/n) messily rubs Amelia's hair, making her giggle at the touch.

"Have fun! I'm watching you." Amelia points at her eyes with her two fingers, and then at me, then back and forth. She then starts to turn back to the couch as I let out a quiet relief of air.

(Y/n) was already heading for the door as I followed.

"You okay?" She asks once the front door was closed. I nod reassuringly, but on the inside, I was a little nervous.

"Yeah, I'm fine." (Y/n) looked up at me as if I'm lying, and I kind of was.

"What did she tell you?" (Y/n) sighed with a smile as we got into my car. I took the seat behind the wheel as (y/n) took passenger.

"In verbatim, 'have her home by 10pm'." I repeated Amelia's words. I already put the keys in the engine and began leaving (y/n)'s driveway.

"Oh my god." (Y/n) giggled with a slight groan in her voice. I glance at her and she had her elbow rested on the window with her hand over her eyes. I laughed it off with her, anxiousness leaving my body.

"I'll make sure you get home by 10:01." I joked taking a turn at the intersection.

"Wow you're so bad!" (Y/n) replied sarcastically. I shrugged, putting one hand on the wheel and the other on top of (y/n)'s hand that was resting on the console between us.

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Author's Note
Here's a short and funny one for you guys. I didn't know how to finish the one shot so ignore the crap ending. Also, you guys can leave requests!! I'm open to some ideas if you have any :)

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