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I've done it

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I've done it. You've done it. We all have lost someone who is still alive. Even the mention of their names hurts you, they're something you want to forget.

All the good times you had

All the laughs you had

Burn in your mind as they walk past
You without a word. I know they hurt you deeply and you feel like there is nothing left you can do.

Forgive and forget my friends.

I know, believe me, I know, it's really hard to forgive and forget. But it's an important thing to learn to do. People will hurt you, but when they see your door is still open, who knows, maybe they'll come back? Maybe someone in their life turned on them and they've pulled themselves away from others because they're afraid of getting hurt again? Maybe just a hello will mean more than you know.

Don't waste your time holding grudges.

If you need to talk about this or have any questions, please feel free to PM me.

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