Chapter 6: What Am I Gonna Do???

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            I woke up calmly but confused. I yawned and proceeded to stretch. I whimpered slightly because all of my muscles ached. My elbow brushed a leaf and I jumped. That’s when I took in all my surroundings. At first I was extremely confused. It made my head hurt even more. That’s when I remembered last night. I remembered coming home and being upset. I remember getting drunk and I remembered Harper and Mrs. Stacey coming home. As hard as I tried to, I couldn’t remember anything except for after I woke up. I examined my body. It was brown with dirt and dried up blood. I wasn’t even sure which blood was mine or the Stacey’s.  I saw a yellow and purple bruise on my arm. A cold wind blew and it stung my cheek. I raised a hand to feel it and I could feel a gash there. Man what happened last night?

               I rose to my feet unsteadily and began to make my way out of the park. My feet hurt like a bitch. I could feel the scabs ripping off the bottom of my feet and beginning to bleed again. I limped and whimpered all the way back home. Once I got there I braced myself for the worst. Images of cops and investigators like in those old shows I’ve read about flashed before my eyes. I took a deep breath and opened the door. The house seemed quiet and empty. I sniffed the air. It smelled odd. It smelled like cleaning supplies. I slowed walked to the kitchen and closed my eyes. When I opened them the kitchen was . . . back to normal. 

               The chairs and table were back in there normal spots. There were no dead bodies on the ground or pools of blood. Even the smashed Vodka bottle was gone. It was all cleaned up. It was as if no one was murdered last night. I sucked in a breath. Why would Clarissa clean this up? That could only mean one thing. She killed the Stacey’s. I was slightly relieved but also terrified at the same time. This was too much to take in. 

                I heard a sound from upstairs. It sounded like a person. My body froze. Fear shot up my body quick and cold. I thought I was alone. I tried to move my body and successfully my foot moved. Conveniently my foot hit a floor board that groaned and cracked. My body froze yet again and the movement upstairs stopped. 

               “Tatum?! Is that you?!” Clarissa yelled from upstairs.

                 So it was Clarissa. There was no way in hell that I was staying here to hear her sick reasoning for killing the Stacey’s. So I did what I do best; I made a run for it. I spun around and went right back out the door. I ran behind the house and in the backyard. I needed some time to think.

                Where should I go? Where could I go? I looked down at myself and studied my appearance. I looked like I’d been through hell and back. I was still in the same clothes as last night that were stained with old blood and now dirt. Not to mention all the cuts and bruises I had on my arms, legs and face. Someone would take me to a healer and that would get police involved. That would lead to questions that would need answers. Now I know what you’re thinking, if I think Clarissa is the killer than why am I worried about getting in trouble? Like I said I blacked out after the Stacey’s came home. There is always that slight chance that I was the one who killed the Stacey’s. If I called the cops there’s a possibility I could get locked up for the crime. I couldn’t take that chance.

                 My feet started to move before my mind could comprehend where I was going. They were going in the direction of Sebastian’s house. My chest tightened and I could feel fresh tears well up in my eyes. What would he think of me after he hears this? I guess I just had to take that chance. I needed somewhere to go just as much as I needed someone to talk to. I was shocked to realize I was already at his front door with my finger hovering over the doorbell. Time flies by when you’re thinking. 

                   I pushed the button and familiar ring of a bell sounded throughout what seemed like an empty house. I knew better than that. Sebastian told me on weekends his family went out but he stayed in. I don’t understand why he would want to stay home. I wish I had a family like that. It doesn’t matter what I want anyway. I don’t even have a fake family anymore. My pity party was interrupted by Sebastian’s grinning face. It quickly turned into one of horror and concern.

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