Chapter 2: 5 months

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It's been 5 months since I was human again and I couldn't be happier.

I smelt fish and when I did I didn't feel so good it felt like my stomach was going to turn over so I ran to the washroom and started puking.

"You okay honey?"

Yeah I think it was just something I ate, I'm human and all.

He smiled and ran off and came back.

"Here some medicine and water"

Thanks I grab them from his hand and sit on the bed.

He stood there watching, I'm fine Klaus you can leave to where ever you are going.

"I'll see you tonight love"

He left when suddenly there was a knock on the door.

I walk over to the door to the balcony.
I open it and see who I thought I wouldn't see for awhile.


"Sorry I've missed you care"

He tried walking in but he couldn't

"Can you invite me in?"

It's not under my name it's under someone else.

"Okay well can you come out"

Okay we sat on the chairs outside and he started talking about what's wrong.

"I loved you but your happy and that's good with me and also I found a girlfriend."

Really? Who?

"Her name is Clara"

Sound beautiful, I felt sick again. Sorry

"You okay care?"

All day I've been feeling so sick, I smell food and it just disgust me and I puke.

"Morning sickness?"

What? I turn over to him and look at him all weirdly.

I can't be pregnant I can't

"You are human you know"

I was struck with a shock of anxiety. I can't be what will I do without my mother. I start panicking, I can't breathe!

"Your okay care"

I was lying down as Stefan held me in his arms stroking my hair.

I soon fell in a deep sleep.


I sprung up in my bed, Stefan?


I soon see him a wave of calmness came over me. Klaus?

"Hasn't come back yet, where are they?"

They had to left to go pick up something important.

"Do you know what?"

No, but he did leave bodyguards.

"Snapped their necks"

He smiles as he looks at me.

Great my bodyguards can't handle you, how were they supposed to help with other people.

"So pregnant"

I can't be I want to be but Klaus has enemies that could last a lifetime. She or he will be burden with them. And I can't let my baby live like that.

"Caroline you can't be thinking of this"

I know, what was I thinking I can't kill my baby my blood.

"So your going to have this baby?"

Yeah, I look up at Stefan who looked worried.


"Their back"


"See you later care"

Bye stef



I walk towards the door and down the stairs


"So how was your evening?"

Okay I guess

"Well I want you to meet someone"


"She's someone special and important to me"

Suddenly I see the wolf who Tyler cheated on with. Hayley was it and a little young baby girl.


He picks the girl up from Hayley.

"Meet my daughter hope"

I worry and smile as I say hi to the little one.

So I'm guessing Hayley is the mother I turn to Klaus and look at her.

"Yes she is and I'm hoping you guys will be good friends as she's the mother of my child and you are you"

Okay, but it will take time since she's the one Tyler cheated with. And you knew that Klaus.

"Love it's the past"

I guess, I then smile and walk toward Hayley

"Sorry Caroline, I didn't know you then"

It's fine, you guys made a beautiful baby.

Hope you guys liked🙂

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