Chapter 6: Baby shower

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(32 weeks pregnant)

"Caroline" -Matt

Yes Matt?

"Baby shower is in 2 hours do you want to head to Elena and Damon's?"  -Matt

Sure but can you help me I'm carrying twins and I'm human which is pretty hard so can you please help me before I get angry?

"Sorry of course Care" -Matt
He laughs

I'm sorry if I'm a pregnant monster it's just two babies who like kicking at my bladder I smile at Matt who looked like he was about to laugh but he didn't.

Thanks, I'll always be here for you too


"You finally arrived" -Damon

Hi Damon say that again with more happiness

"Hey I was dragged here because you know who" -Damon

"Damon I can hear you, I love you but I'll still beat you up" -elena

We all laugh

"Caroline you look so good" -Stefan

Yeah just two babies who make me look like a whale

"Caroline you don't look like a whale" -Bonnie

Bonnie! When did you come back?

"Yesterday, I couldn't miss my best friends baby shower" -Bonnie

Aw thanks Bonnie I give her the happiest smile ever.

"How are my favourite twins?" -Bonnie

They are doing great I hope. I grab my belly and smile.

Okay I have to tell you all something.

"What?" -Stefan

He looked worried but a scared worried.

Nothing bad I just wanted to tell you all my babies full name. Okay so the girl is Rosalie Elizabeth Forbes and the boy is Nikolai- I glance at Damon and Stefan before I say it well Nikolai Salvatore Forbes

"Oh my god so cute" -elena

By the way the Salvatore is a middle name

"I love it Caroline" Stefan

Thanks I just wanted to honour you and Damon because elena and Bonnie will be the godmother to my children as Matt will be the godfather. I smile and stare at my best friends.

"Oh my god!" Elena/Bonnie

"I love it Caroline, I'll always take care of them and you" -Matt

That's why I chose you guys.
The door slams open I turn and see Tyler.

"And what about me" -Tyler

Why must you come Tyler

"Yeah it's her day Tyler so why don't you leave she doesn't deserve this" -Stefan

"Fine I'll leave after she tells me who the father is" -Tyler

Fine if you want to know so bad then so be it but you will leave.

"Yes" -tyler

Fine it was a random guy I left mystic falls for a while and it just happened.

"Wait How are you human?" -Tyler

"I found a cure for her" -Stefan

He did, now leave.


Matt and I sat on his couch looking at the tv when he started talking.

"Why didn't you tell ty?"

I don't want him to go to klaus and tell him because I want my children to not be in harms way just for their first years of life.

"How long?"

I want them to be 6 or 7 years old.

"Your secret will always be safe with me." -Matt

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