Chapter 7: The birth of love

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(9 months pregnant)

I was so big I felt like a ball I started getting frustrated that they weren't here yet.

"Care?" -Matt

Yes Matt

"Do you want anything to eat?" -Matt

Please get me a burger and fries please!

"I'll be back soon!"

Since Matt is gone I cant really get to the phone  and it's quite scary since my water can be broken at any given moment.

20 minutes past and I needed to pee so I decide to get up and while I was up I soon fell, my eyes felt heavy so I closed them.

"Caroline!" -Matt


My eyes felt light so I opened them and saw Matt sleeping by my side and Elena looking out the window



What happened? And where's my babies

"You had something wrong but they are fine and now you are" -elena

I want to see them.

"I'll go tell the doctor to get them" -Matt

"They're beautiful" -elena
She walks toward and smiles.

I smile as I felt shocked.

I see Matt walk in as he pushes my babies in a little carriage he picks up Nikolai as Elena picks up Rosalie. They both pass them to me.

I start to tear up and smile as I look at my babies for the first time.

Hey my little princess and prince, I glance at Nikolai and all I see is klaus I smile knowing that one day they will meet their father.

"She looks exactly like you" -elena

"And he looks exactly like klaus" -Matt

He chuckles at the thought

I smile and turn my head up to see everybody in the room.

"They're beautiful" -Stefan

I smile and look at my family.


In a couple days it's been 2 years since I gave birth to my beautiful babies are both werewolf and witch. I do want them to turn once their older so I will never lose them but that's their choice. I guessed wrong because their both which makes them a hybrid.

Alaric just fell in love with a beautiful girl named jo. Damon and Bonnie died but we know they will return soon. Elena is depressed and Stefan left town. Matt is becoming a cop and ty and I have mended our relationship we hang out as friends every weekend with my babies and Matt.
Before Bonnie died I asked her to cloak rose and nik's special abilities.

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