Lovett's Diary-No more crying

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Present day

Nothing made sense to me. Jacob's sudden presence, George talking about the house.... Kate's accident and Harry popping back into our lives out of the blue.

Umm.. ya. As we were waiting for Kate to wake up, Harry walked in and startled the both of us.

After what he had done, he still took the courage to walk to us!

George had almost lifted his clenching fists in the air but when he uttered something unexpected, he let go.

"I'm really sorry, It was a mistake. A huge one." He had said looking nervous

He argued and George squeezed out all the information he could from him. But he refused to say why.

He refused to tell the reason why Kate was dead. He refused to tell why he did what he had done. He refused to answer why was another child just handed over to us. He refused to even tell us who the child's parents were.

But he left with just a few sentences.

"Everything started has a reason; better or worse. But if you wanna know why, you'll find the 'why' from where it all began."

Maybe he was talking about our old house. Well.. All that happened, happened there so I guess if we need to end it all, we need to look right from the start.

A place where we'd figure out our 'whys' but before that I'll need to be strong to dig back the bruises that had almost started to heal. Kate should know and I had to keep her strong enough to take it all. George always wanted her to be tough so she'd never have to end up making mistakes like us but for that she'd have to know the mistake. She'd have to know the hard truth. And for that, tears should be held back.

No more crying........


Hey guys.!
I know very small chapter
and you might feel like throwing red cabbages and potatoes at me ( not eggs please..! Im a vegetarian :p )
but I'm in the middle
of a state level competition
and I have to really
concentrate there too.

Its a Debate competition that is held in B'lore, India and this place is like about 400kms away from my hometown.

I'm really sorry I wouldn't be able to update this week too because this competition
means a lot to me.
But hey, hey..!
don't worry, when I'm back,
I'll get you an amazing chapter that you'll feel like throwing flowers my way ;).

Until then, bu-byes..! Do wish me luck people..! Ill get you a bonus chapter.! :p <3

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