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When you have a house of screaming kids, two of which have the flu and a third who just wants to play, you'll know exactly how I feel right at this moment. Penelope, the youngest, is coughing while Tyson, the oldest, is moaning and whining about how his stomach hurts. I'd help them if it wasn't for my middle child, Oscar, clinging to my leg and begging for me to play games with him.

Don't get me wrong, I love my kids but sometimes managing all three at once is a tedious chore.

"My stomach hurts." I look at Tyson. He's a brave kid. He'll be 14 in a few weeks and plays tennis any spare minute he can get, but whatever he's got is causing him an awful lot of pain and he can't keep anything down. I'm worried about him. Luckily whatever Penelope has is less... Severe. She's only got a cough which she's now on antibiotics for.

I look at my watch. I was supposed to be across town an hour ago but the babysitter had called at the very last minute to say she had a family emergency so she wouldn't be able to make it. In my head I was cursing to whatever gods would listen.

Oscar is very much the chatterbox of the family. I'm convinced that he somehow got it from his mother, she talked a lot too. He's 12 but he'll talk your ear off if he gets the chance and clings to everything and anything. I was hoping he would grow out of it... Apparently not.

Then there's Penelope. My little princess. She's her mother reincarnate in looks only. She's got her mother's gorgeous jade eyes and the same blonde hair, being just a few shades lighter than my own. The only difference is their personalities. Penny is the quietest of the lot. You don't know she's come into a room until you feel her gently grab your hand or an article of clothing attached to your body.

Unfortunately due to an unforseen tragedy I'm left to raise these three alone. Well, mostly alone. My mother helps out when she can and does Ben and Sophie on occasion, even though they have two kids of their own to worry about. Roni. Well, Veronica really, but she hated being called that. We had met about 15 years ago in a coffee shop and completely by accident. It wasn't planned or anything but I wouldn't change any part of how we met.

We hit it off and Tyson came along before we married but only just. Roni decided that she wanted to go back to school. 'Winging it' as she had told me. She didn't think that it was fair for me to have to have a sole responsibility of bringing in money for the family. I didn't stop her. She went back to school and finished a degree in art history before becoming a museum curator. It was a job she loved. Every day she would come home and either ring me to tell me all about what her day was like or if I was home, she would drag me to the couch and explain every detail. 

I miss her. Tyson and Oscar ask about her a lot but Penny didn't really get the chance to know her too well. That doesn't stop me from telling her what her mother was like though. Maybe through my stories she'll get a sense of what her mother was like.

Thankfully, I was saved when the doorbell rang. I looked down at Oscar, "You're going to have to let go or I won't be able to get the door." Oscar looked up at me and pouted.

"Play a game with me dad. I want to play a game!"

"I can't right now. I have to take care of Ty and Penny and now there's someone at the door." I was trying to stay calm but I wasn't being too successful. I could hear my voice rising ever so slightly. 

Pout still place, he slowly lets go of my leg as I walk to the front door, opening it to find my mother and younger sister Emma at the door. I must of let out a sigh of relief or something because both of them laughed as they walked inside. 

"Aren't you supposed to be across town by now?" Emma asks as she walks into the living room and picks up Penny. Penny rested her head on my sister's shoulder and closed her eyes. I couldn't help the smile that crossed my face.

"I would have been but the babysitter rang and cancelled earlier this morning. I didn't have time to ring anyone to ask-"

"You silly boy. You have us." My mother scolds as she walks over to where Tyson is lying on the couch, still groaning. "He still has a fever. Has he managed to eat anything?" She looks at me and I shake my head.

"No. Every time I try he either pushes it away or eats it but vomits it straight up."

I was worried about Tyson. He's never been as sick as he is right now and I haven't the faintest idea of what could be wrong.

"We'll keep an eye on him. You better go before you get in trouble for being late." Mother says as she stands and walks into the kitchen.

"Penny's antibiotics are in the cupboard in the corner, she needs to take it three times a day with food-" 

"I'm fully aware of that Thomas." She saunters back out and gives me a pointed look. "I know you're worried about your kids but you do need to go to that meeting. I'll keep you updated with what's happening here." Hesitantly I nod and give all the kids a quick kiss on the forehead before I'm rushing out to my car and heading out. Hopefully they won't be too mad that I'm late.

A/N: Hey guys! Yeah... I've gone an made another one... Second year of Uni is almost over though! Got about a month and a half left (of about 5 weeks) and I honestly can't wait until it's over. This semester has been hellish.

Anyway, thoughts on this chapter? If any of you guys have read Falling for Mischief, they chapters will be similar in length (roughly 1000 or so each chapter). That might get me to update a bit more frequently.

Thanks everybody!


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