Chapter 1

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I have done it! Finally I have finished my degree in Ancient History. It's always invigorating when you get to the end of something you've been working hard towards. Of course I would never have been able to do any of it without the support of my parents and grandparents. They gave me a place to stay while I studied. My parents have sent their congratulations though both are held up back at home because of work. In all honesty though I'm not worried.

"What do you plan to do now that you've finished studying?" My friend Morgan asked from beside me. He still has another year to go but he's already got one degree under his belt and going for his second.

"You know I want to travel around. Visit Greece and all around the Mediterranean. Eventually I'll visit all around the world. I just have to have the money to do so." He chuckled and took a sip from his beer glass.

"Well one day you'll have to send me postcards from all these wonderful places."

"You won't need them if you come with me dufus." I leant over and kissed his cheek. "Besides I'll need the muscle you have to keep me safe on my journeys won't I?" Morgan laughed and looked at me.

"I don't know who you think you're talking about but I for one see only one man in this entire pub that could fit that description and he looks like he's swallowed two grown men." I couldn't help the giggle that escaped me. 

"You've got the better muscle. You've got... Subtle muscles. You can't really see them but your body is definitely toned well enough that you don't look like a twig."

"Well thanks. I think." We clink glasses together. We have a few drinks before we head back to our apartment. There isn't anything romantic about our relationship. He's more like a big brother than a boyfriend. Which is a good thing considering the fact that he is in a committed relationship with another friend. In fact I'm the one that introduced the two of them to each other. 

"I need to find a job." I murmur as I lean against him, my arm linked with his. 

"That'll be easy. There are places looking for people all over the place." I didn't doubt that I'd be able to find a job, it was more about whether I found one I would enjoy and put my degree to good use. Unfortunately there aren't many museums looking for people at the moment. 

"Guess I'll just have to look at those classifieds starting tomorrow. The sooner I find a job the sooner I can start saving for my travels." 

We both stumble up the stairs to our apartment, slightly tipsy from the drinks we had consumed. Fumbling with the keys, I finally manage to get the door open to the sound of our house phone ringing. Morgan rushes to answer it, I wouldn't be surprised if it was his girlfriend and my best friend Julia.

In the kitchen, I turn the kettle on to boil before I go through the mail that had been brought inside. 

"Bill. Bill. Another bill. Advertisement. Bill. Bill. Morgan your parents sent you a postcard!"

"Leave it on the bench, Ash. I'll look at it when I'm off the phone." I put the postcard in another pile. I made myself a cup of coffee before sitting down and looking through the bills. They were all around the same as they always were and I made a mental note to pay them later. I looked at the postcard Morgan's parents had sent him. The picture on it was of the Sydney Opera House. I'd imagine that it was starting to warm up in Australia at this time of year, coming into the early summer months and all. 

I put the card down and walk into the living room where Morgan was still talking on the phone. "Hi Julia." I say as I sit beside him and flick through a magazine while sipping at my coffee.

"Julia says hi back." Morgan says. They talk for a few more minutes before ending the phone call. "So Julia is excited. She's been asked to be part of the make up team for a new movie coming up. She doesn't know who she'll be working with though."

I hum, not really paying much attention. Movies have never been my favourite. I watched a few but that's because Morgan and Julia have made me. I'd much prefer a good book to a movie after all the movies come from books most of the time if not always.

"Your hair is on fire."

"That's nice." I reply before stopping and thinking about the words he had just said. Blinking a little I turn and look at him.

"You weren't even listening to me." He whines.

"I didn't mean to zone out. You know I'm probably one of the few people who knows nothing about films."

"And Julia and I will change that don't you worry." I give a very unladylike snort, almost spilling my coffee.

"Why bother? I always fall asleep during them or end up not paying any attention anyway." I put the magazine down and lean back against the couch. "Besides I like the way I am."

"We do too Ash, we wouldn't be your friends if we didn't."

"Gee thanks." I look at the ceiling, deep in thought. "Well I'm off to bed. I've got a big day of job hunting tomorrow." I stand and starting walking to the kitchen.

"Ashley." I turn my head to look at Morgan. "Night." I smile at him.

"Night Morgan. Don't forget to read your postcard." He nods before I turn and finish walking into the kitchen. I rinse my cup out before heading upstairs.

I dress in my fluffy pyjamas and crawl under my blankets, letting out a content sigh as I drift off to sleep, wondering what tomorrow will bring.

A/N: Second chapter! I must admit maybe I'm getting back into the swing of things... Maybe. I am looking forward to seeing where this will go though. I do apologize in advance if updates take some time. It's getting to that time of semester when all assignments are due and it gets rather hectic but I will try my best to update as regularly as possible.



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