Chapter 8

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"What was that?!" I was barely able to hold in the anger I was feeling while looking at my oldest child, who was currently glaring at me.

"I was just saying the truth dad! You don't see it! You never do! I hate that because when it goes downhill, you're the one who suffers while the girl goes and lives her life like nothing happened!"

"Not every girl is out for my attention or affection Ty-"


"Language!" Ty crossed his arms and looked away from me. I walked closer to him and picked him up, sitting him on the bench, which I know my mum will tell me off for later. "What's this really about? You've been withdrawn ever since you've met Ashley."

"There's nothing wrong with Ashley... At least, not yet. I just don't want you to get attached and realise that she was using you... Like all the others who have been and gone. It happens every time."

"Maybe so, but it's not up to you to decide who comes and goes in my life Ty. I'm an adult so the mistakes I make are mine and mine alone."

"What about mum?"

Sighing, I rub my face and look at Tyson.

"No one, not any woman I've been in a relationship with or yet to be in one with, will ever replace your mother. She was and always will be my first love and no one will ever take her place. Ok?"

Ty give me a small nod and looks at his lap. I softly ruffle his hair before pulling him into a hug. 

"I love you dad." 

"I love you too Ty. Now go apologise to Ashley, after all, you will need to behave for her when she watches you guys." Ty begrudgingly sighs before walking out and into the living room. I follow and stand at the doorway, watching my eldest talk to the girl who has intrigued me since the first day I spoke to her.

"Ashley?" From where I stood, it sounded like Ty was nervous, but I knew it's because he felt like he was doing the right thing, protecting me, and so was feeling rather sheepish. Ashley looked up at him from her spot on the floor next to Penny, who was colouring away merrily in one of her many colouring books. 

"Yes Tyson?" Ty looked back at me for a brief moment before looking back at Ashley.

"I want to apologise for yelling at you earlier." Ashley, bless her, smiled at him.

"It's okay Ty. Can I call you that?" At his nod, her smile widened. "Awesome. I really hope we can be friends Ty. I don't think we'd have fun if we didn't." I saw him smile a little before he walked out of the room again and towards the stairs.

"Where are you going?" I ask him before he gets too far up.

"To my room." His tone implied a 'duh' kind of tone, but I was kind of surprised that he was actually walking upstairs when food was going to be ready soon.

"And why are you going to your room?"

"Don't make me say it dad." I raise an eyebrow at him. 

"Say what?"

"That it's my punishment." I chuckle a little.

"As much as it should be that, your punishment for the outburst will be more than just time spent in your room. Stay down here, dinner will be ready soon anyway." He seemed a little taken back by my words, but didn't argue and walked back into the living room. Laughter could be heard from the room and I peek back in to see Ashley laughing with Penny, about what I wouldn't know.


I will admit that the apology from Ty was unexpected. Nice but unexpected. He seems like such a nice kid and it's sad that he's lost his mum at such a young age. I'd be angry at the world too if I was in his shoes. 

He had come back in and was sitting in a chair, reading a book. I didn't mind, I just hoped that from here, things could be better and that he might actually come to enjoy my company as much as Penelope, Oscar and even Tom. 

Over dinner, my eyes found their way towards Tom more than I was comfortable with. I'm not sure if he had noticed on the grounds that he was always talking with one of his kids, Morgan or his mother whenever I looked at him. He might not have noticed but his mother did. Diana is a lovely lady, she reminds me so much of my own mum, lively and spry even in her older age. They would probably get along really well if ever they were to meet each other I think. 

"If you keep looking at Tom like that my dear, he may spontaneously combust." She had said it soft enough that only I heard, though I swear I heard Morgan snicker from beside me. My cheeks heated as I looked back at my plate. "I am rather curious, why would you be looking at Tom when you came with Morgan by your side?"

Before I had the chance to say anything to her, Morgan's phone rang and he excused himself from the table to take the call. I cleared my throat and looked at Diana.

"Morgan and I aren't actually in a relationship. He's a good friend and my flatmate, but he's in a relationship with a friend of mine, Julia." 

"Ah. Well that explains a lot then."

"He came as moral support. I was nervous about meeting you and Emma when I didn't really know you."

"I completely understand my dear. Though I hope you feel as if he was not needed?"

"Yes. I have a feeling I didn't really need to bring him after all, but all the same he is a bit like a security blanket." Diana chuckled at that and we fell into a steady stream of conversation, Morgan included when he got back from his phone call. He didn't tell me who it was, but I was half guessing it was Julia. 

Overall, the night was a great success. I got along very well with Diana and Emma and by the time Morgan and I had left, I was given the job of the babysitter, or kid sitter considering the fact that they aren't really babies anymore. I was excited to have the job but I didn't know what was awaiting me back at the house. 

Morgan had been unusually silent the whole car ride, which he only ever does when he's deep in thought over something. 

"You do know who he was right?" He breaks the silence, making me jump slightly when he speaks.

"I know his name..."

"Obviously, but do you know who he is?" I shake my head, confused about where this was going. 

"You'll be working for the God of Mischief himself Ash." I blinked.

Okay, now I was confused, but when I got to the house and Julia was staring at me wide-eyed with what seemed like awe, I knew that it was just the tip of the iceberg.

A/N: Happy New Year! It's almost midnight on December 31st here, and sorry that this has taken a bit longer to get out. I had limited internet for a while and I've had a few things going on that have taken all my attention. 

What do you think? 


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