Chapter 7

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I was really nervous, yet excited. The afternoon at the park with Tom and his kids went really well, they all seemed to like me, except maybe Tyson, but he said there was just one more thing that needed to happen before I got the job. I had to meet his mum and younger sister. This threw me for a loop because I wasn't entirely sure why I needed to meet these two strange women that I may never actually converse with. 

Morgan had come with me for moral support. I don't even know if that was allowed or not because Tom hadn't said anything, but I held Morgan's hand tightly in mine. Probably too tightly too because he kept flexing his hand to try and get movement of his hand back. 

"Sorry Morgan."

"Don't be. I get it, you're nervous as all hell, and with pretty good reason too." We approached the house at the address that Tom had given me before I had left the park a few days ago, he had said the kids and him will be here as well as his mum and sister. I was a ball of nerves as Morgan rang the doorbell. 

My hands had found their way around his arm again as I held tightly to him. The door opened and a beautiful older woman with greying hair came into view. I'm sure my eyes widened as I looked at her. The whole family seems to be gorgeous! 

"You must be Ashley," the woman starts, an excited gleam in her eyes, "I'm Diana, Thomas' mother." I smile nervously at her and she looks at Morgan. "And who is this?"

"Oh this is-"

"Morgan." He holds out his free hand to her to shake, or so I thought, only to bend slightly and kiss the back of her hand softly. I swear she giggled. 

"Such a charmer, but I'm much too old for you my dear." Morgan shrugged. 

"Not too worried about that, I'm spoken for already anyway." Diana moved her gaze to me.

"You do make a lovely couple." Before Morgan or I could speak up she had ushered us inside and into the living room. It was in a little bit of disarray, most likely from Oscar who was climbing all over the furniture and making roaring noises, much to the dislike of Penelope who sat huddled into the corner of the sofa where the back of the sofa and the arm connected with a stuffed teddy in her arms. 

I was so busy watching the two kids that I hadn't noticed Morgan had managed to get out of my grip until he handed me a glass of water. Looking at him, I wasn't exactly sure what to say. 

"His sister is smokin'." I hit his shoulder. 

"You are taken." He chuckled and took a sip from his glass. 

"I know and I love Julia so much, she doesn't stop me from looking though. She knows I love her and only her."

"She's too good for you."

"Whatever you say." I could hear Diana and who I would assume to be Tom's sister Emma in the kitchen. She sounded as nice as her mum and I was hoping she was. I almost started towards the kitchen to say hi when shouting from upstairs caught my attention, and also caught the attention of those of us in the living room and drawing out Diana and Emma.

"I am not going down there!" 

"You will go down there! We have guests and I did not raise you to be rude to visitors!" Hearing Tom shout like that seemed rather scary. Almost reminded me of when my dad would yell at me when my brother and I fought, which was all the time. Thumping steps were heard above our heads. Penelope whimpered a little from the couch, I looked over at her before walking over to her and sitting next to her and trying to calm her. 

The yelling continued, though I mostly wasn't paying attention until I heard the thundering of steps down the stairs and Tyson came into view. He did not look happy, in fact, he sneered at me. 

"I didn't even want to be here. You're just like all those others that vy for dad's attention and couldn't give a fuck about what happens to us kids!" Thankfully, I had covered Penny's ears before the curse came out of his mouth. Oscar sat next to me with wide eyes and his mouth wide open. With his attention on me, he had failed to notice that a taller figure had walked up behind him with a dark expression on his face as he looked down at Tyson. 

"Kitchen. Now!" Tyson stormed down the hall with a fleeting glare towards me. Tom looked like he was trying hard to reign in his anger at his oldest child. Diana walked up to him but he brushed her off. "Just please. Don't touch me." He sent a look my way before he followed after Tyson. 

Oscar and Penelope looked at me when I took my hands away from her ears, my gaze was on Morgan, who was standing looking rather dazed, in the corner of the room. 

"Miss Ashley?" I looked down at Oscar when he spoke. 

"Yes Oscar?"

"You'll still be looking after us right? Penny and I like you." I smile at him.

"If your dad still wants me to look after you then I don't see why I won't be." Oscar grins and Diana smiles from where she stands. 

"I'm sorry that this has happened. Ty can be a bit of a hothead at times. He's a great kid though." 

"I don't doubt that Mrs. Hiddleston-"

"Diana, please."

"Diana," I smile, "but Ty seems angry at the world."

"I don't doubt that my dear. He took his mother's death the hardest. He has a lot of anger pent up inside him and unfortunately, with you being the stranger around here, he's taken it out on you."

"I can handle anything that boy can throw at me. I have an older brother and we could yell loud enough to put him to shame." Diana chuckles.

"I think you'll be perfect for these kids. They need a woman in the house that isn't Emma or I. So does Tom." I smile a little as I feel Oscar and Penelope lean against my side. Despite his temper, Tyson does seem like a good kid and I'm not going to let his anger filled taunts push me away.

A/N: Another chapter! Do love the drama, though I wrestled with myself for a while about how to actually write that particular conflict. What do you think about Tom as a dad? 


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