Chapter 3

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"Maybe it wasn't meant to be?" I ask Morgan hesitantly. I had been searching for a job of some sort the whole week after ringing that guy Thomas who was looking for a babysitter. He has texted me a few times over the week but hasn't mentioned setting up an interview or anything.

"That's ridiculous. If people can't see that you're the best person for a job then it's their loss really." He answered, not taking his eye off the screen of the TV as he played some racing game on his Xbox.

"Speaking of jobs, don't you have one to get to?" He shook his head.

"Nope. Place in lock down for the week to be fumigated." I scrunched my nose. As much as I loved Morgan's company, it's the fact that he isn't in the house all day every day that helps me get along with him the best.

"Oh." I would have said more but my phone chimed, letting me know that I had an incoming text. I looked at my phone.


Good morning darling. About that interview? Would two days from now be alright for you?

I was staring at my screen. I had honestly thought that he had forgotten about it all. Having to deal with sick family and stuff can make the less important things float to the back of your mind and eventually they're forgotten about.


Sure! Where do you want to meet?

It wasn't long before I a response.


Would my house be okay? Ty still can't do a lot without help. I'll send you the address.

I barely contained my excitement. I could have a job by the end of the week! Morgan broke me out of my moment, cursing at a computer player for driving dirty. I rolled my eyes. Men.

"Hey Morgan-"

"One minute. Just let me finish this race." I rolled my eyes again, my phone chiming again.


Did I scare you off?


No! No you didn't sorry. I can meet at your house for the interview :)


Wonderful! I'll send you my address.

The next message he sent was his address and I quickly wrote it down in my calendar so that I wouldn't forget it.

After I had done that, I went into the living room and sat next to Morgan, his race almost over. Though he wasn't coming first. As soon as he crossed the finish line I grinned and looked at him. "I have an interview with that guy who was looking for a babysitter!" I grabbed his upper arm and shook him excitedly. A bit childish I know.

"That's my arm you're trying to rip from its socket Ash." Morgan teased before wrapping his arm around me and squeezing me against his chest as he fell backwards onto the couch. "I am proud of you though. I told you to just be patient and that something would come from all that endless searching you have been doing." I sit on his stomach and look down at him.

"I know. Thank you for being supportive. When is Julia coming over?" I looked at the clock above the TV.

"She'll be over around lunch time. We're going out for lunch, wanna join us? I know Julia won't mind. You may as well be family with how much she loves you." I can't help but laugh as I get off of him and stand up as he sits up.

"No that's okay. I was thinking I might head to the library anyway. I have a book to pick up and then I just get some lunch elsewhere. You guys have fun though. I always seem to a third wheel with you guys. Now you can have some time alone for once."

"What are you talking about? We get plenty of time alone." I scrunched my nose, knowing exactly what he was talking about. He let out a hearty laugh as he stood and turned off the Xbox and TV. "Apart from what you're thinking about, we actually do spend quite a bit of time with just the two of us."

"I'm sure. I'll be fine though. I do know how to spend time with just myself. I'm a big girl, I can handle it." He shrugs and walks into the kitchen. I walk up to my office/study and turn on my computer to check my emails.

I don't know long I'm up there for but I turn to the door when I hear it open and Julia pokes her head in. "Hey you!" Her accent is a very thick American accent. She moved here to study and she didn't have the heart to move back to the US when she finished. I smile and get up and walk over to her, pulling her into a hug.

"I will never get over that accent of yours!" We both giggled.

"You're one to talk. Your accent is something I don't think I've ever heard." She did have a bit of a point. My dad is Scottish so he's got that thick drawl that the Scots have but my mum is Australian, the accent a lot like that of Hugh Jackman. Growing up in my house I had both accents and they seemed to have muddled together to create some weird sounding accent. Though the Scottish is more recognisable since I was born and went to school in Scotland. The Australian is more of an undertone I suppose.

"Oh hush. How long have you been here?"

"All of five minutes. Come on downstairs. I brought cake." I nod.

"Sure, just let me finish up here and I'll be right down." She gave me a pointed look.

"You better, I don't want to have to back up here to drag you downstairs." I laugh and nod.

"Five minutes. I promise." She nods before walking out. I sit back at the desk and finish paying bills before turning the computer off and walking downstairs. I was kind of confused about why she had brought cake to the house. Although that confusion was lost when I walked into the kitchen to see the cake with lit candles and 'Happy Birthday Ash' written along the top. I looked at the two of them, both having massive grins on their faces.

"Wait... It's not... Is it?" Morgan rolls his eyes.

"Typical of you to forget your own birthday. I swear you care more about other people than yourself sometimes." I looked at my calendar I had hanging on the wall, the one I had written on earlier and saw that it was indeed November 17. I don't know how I missed that.

"Go on, make a wish." Julia said, bouncing excitedly. I looked at the cake. What could I possibly wish for? I've got everything I could ever dream of: friends and family that love me, a finished degree... maybe a job... What could I possibly have left to want?

I close my eyes and think for a moment. I wish... For someone to love. Opening my eyes I blow out all the candles and smile, Julia and Morgan cheer and cut up the cake. Maybe I'll be lucky and it will have worked or maybe I won't be. Time will tell.

A/N: Hey guys! I've updated again! Sorry this one took a bit longer than the others. I've been stressing over Uni (only got another 4 weeks to go!) but once semester is finished I'll be able to try and keep to a better updating schedule. That's the hope anyway.

Thoughts on this chapter?


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