How to Write a Short Story

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But before we get to the 100 story ideas, let's review .

1-First, read short stories. If you've never read a short story, you're going to have a hard time writing one. Where do you find great short stories? There are a lot of places, but check out our list of2 we've curated over.

2-Write your story in a single sitting. Write the first draft of your story in as short a time as possible, and if you're , try to write it in one sitting. People hate being interrupted when they're telling a story, and the same is true when you're writing one.

3-Read your draft. Read your story through once, without changing anything, to get a sense of what work it needs going forward.

4-Write a premise. After reading your first draft, get your head around the main idea behind your story (your story's ) by using a screenwriting trick called a "logline." Here's the formula for a great logline: your character + a descriptor, followed by an event, followed by a conflict or villain. Here's an example of a premise from "A Rose for Emily" by William Faulkner: A lonely, Southern woman is found dead and decaying in her home after being abandoned by her lover.

5-Write, edit, write, and edit. Good writing is rewriting. Use your second draft to fill in the plot holes and cut out the extraneous scenes and characters you discovered when you read the first draft in step #2. Then, polish up your final draft on the next round of edits.

6-Submit! Real writers don't keep their writing all to themselves. They share it. Submit your story to a , enter it into a , or even share it with a small group of friends. And if it gets rejected, don't feel bad. You'll be in good company.

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