10 General Story Ideas pt.2

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6. Your character's deepest fear is holding his or her relationship OR career back.

"Why bats, Master Wayne?" asks Alfred in Batman Begins.

"Bats frighten me," Bruce answers. "It's time my enemies shared my dread."

We all have pieces of ourselves we're trying to hide. You do, and so do the characters in your short stories. However, your characters' secret fears and insecurities are actually the source of their power. Dive into them and you'll unlock a captivating story.

7. A character living in poverty comes into an unexpected fortune.

This storyline is one of , and it describes the plot of some of our favorites stories, including Cinderella, Aladdin, Great Expectations, several of the parables of Jesus, and even Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone.

However, not all fortunes are good. As Tolstoy's short story and John Steinbeck's novella illustrate, sometimes discovering a fortune will destroy your life.

8. A character unexpectedly bumps into his or her soulmate, literally.

In film, it's called the meet cute, when the hero bumps into the heroine in the hallway, knocking her books to the floor, and forcing them into conversation. In another story, they meet on a bus and her broach gets stuck on his coat. In another, they both reach for the last pair of gloves at the department store.

What happens next is an awkward, endearing conversation between the future lovers.

First, setup the collision. Then, let us see how they handle it

9. Your character is on a journey. However, they are interrupted by a natural disaster OR an accident.

This is the plot of Gravity, The Odyssey, and Lord of the Rings. It's fun because who hasn't been longing to get to a destination only to be delayed by something unexpected.

10. Your character runs into the path of a monster.

In Flannery O'Connor's short story, "," a family is on a road trip to Florida when they get into an accident beside the hideout of a murderer who had just escaped from prison. What happens next is one of the most famous encounters with a monstrous criminal in short fiction.

Monsters, whether people who do monstrous things or scaly beasts or a monster of a natural disaster, reveal what's really inside a person. Let your character fall into the path of a monster and see how they handle themselves.

heeey shiners, hope everyone is having a good day/night

i'd love to know which idea had got you inspired :) comment so i'd know

*curious girl alert*

okey the 10 general ideas are done!!! so excited to share the next 10 .............THRILLER ideas!! yaay!

don't forget to vote if this book is helping you in any kind of way.

love you


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