10 General Short Story Ideas

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  Our first batch of story ideas are for any kind of story, whether a spy thriller or a   

  memoir of your personal life. 


With that in mind, why not use these ten short story ideas to write your first ten stories, one per week, over the next ten weeks? I promise you, your life will look totally different if you do it.

Here are the short story ideas:

1. Tell the story of a scar, whether a physical scar or emotional one.

To be a writer, said Stephen King, "The only requirement is the ability to."

Good writers don't cover up their wounds, they glorify them. Think for a few moments about a moment in your life when you were wounded, whether physically or emotionally. Then, write a story, true or fictional, involving that wound.

2. Your character discovers a dead body OR witnesses a death.

In 2011, 20 short stories were published in Best American Short Stories. Half of them involved a character dying. That same year, all 13 of the novels shortlisted for the Man Booker Prize involved the .

Think about your favorite films or novels. How many of them either show a character die or have the character's dealing with the death of another.Good writers don't turn away from death, which is, after all, theuniversal human experience. Instead, they look it directly into it's dark face and describe what they see on the page.

 3. Your character is orphaned.

Pop quiz: What do Harry Potter, Superman, Cosette from Les Miserables, Bambi, David Copperfield, Frodo Baggins, Tom Sawyer, Santiago fromThe Alchemist, Arya Stark, and Ram Mohammed Thomas from Slumdog Millionaire have in common? Beside the fact that they are characters in some of the bestselling stories of all time?

They're all orphans.

Writers love orphans, and statistically they appear in stories far more often than in the world. Orphans are uniquely vulnerable, and as such, they have the most potential for growth. It's time for you to write a story about one.

4. Your character discovers a ghost.

One more pop quiz: What do Edgar Allen Poe, Ron Weasley, King Saul from the Bible, Odysseus, and Ebeneezer Scrooge have in common?

Each of these characters* from literary classics saw ghosts!

Even if you don't believe in ghosts, they make great stories. Have your character find one.

  *Edgar Allen Poe was not exactly a character, but he was the narrator of "The Raven." 


5. Your character's relationship ends.

Whether it's a friendship or a romantic relationship or even the relationship between a parent and his or her child, write about the end of a character's relationship.

As you write, be sure to keep this in mind:

"Every story has an end, but in life every ending is just a new beginning," says Dakota Fanning's character in Uptown Girls.

While it might feel like you're writing an ending, remember that this end is the opportunity for a new beginning, both for your character andyour story.

*** if you want any details of the ideas or any questions, feel free to message me or comment****

okey these are 5 ideas for general stories,if you want to read the other 5

please vote and comment,that would meke my day, thank you for reading this.

all the love


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