20 Romance/love Story Ideas

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 1- She's a cop. He's the owner of a jewelry store. A sudden rash of break-ins brings her to his store over and over and over again, until it becomes obvious that he might be tripping the alarm on purpose—just to see her. That's illegal—but she's kind of falling for him, too. Write the moment she realizes she has to do something about this crazy illicit courtship. 

2- Two dirt-poor art students survive by sharing a nasty little apartment above a bodega. They struggle through four years, barely making ends meet, comforting one another through tragedies and triumph, but never openly admit how they feel about each other...until they graduate, and one of them gets a job in another city. Is it too late to confess their love?

3-Colorado Animal Rescue has never been more challenging than after that zoo caught on fire. Sally Cougar (no jokes on the name, or she'll kill you) tracks down three missing tiger cubs, only to find they've been adopted by millionaire Bryce Champion. Thanks to an antiquated law on the books, he legally has the right to keep them. It's going to take everything Sally has to get those tiger cubs back.

4-Ever heard of BALKAN SWORN VIRGINS? Let's take that concept further. Unspecified ancient times; matriarchal society. Only a queen may ascend to the throne, and only daughters have been born to the royal family for generations—but to everyone's amazement, this royal couple had a son. To avoid some unpleasant relative taking over, the prince must become a princess in appearance, dress, and behavior—which makes things REALLY awkward because "she" has been betrothed to a neighboring prince before he—er, she—was born.

5-She's a nurse trying to work her way through both her massive student debt and the everyday living expenses of Boston. Desperate for cash, she takes a job as a model for a late-night sculpting workshop, and initially doesn't question why the workshop organizer keeps1 paying her more than agreed. Or keeps insisting on ordering delivery so she goes home with food. Or keeps making sure she gets the job even though several other people are trying for it. Initially, she doesn't question anything; when she finally does, how will she handle this attention? Is it adorable or terrifying?

6- Horticulture...in space! It's "the future," and humans are in communication with an interdimensional alien species—but the only way they CAN communicate is telepathically via a certain type of plant. Elizabeth, the top human horticulturist, has been navigating these odd waters with the alien's top horticulturist for the past ten years. Whether she admits it or not, this being she's never seen is her closest friend and confidante. When the door between dimensions finally opens and she meets her counterpart, she's in for two surprises: one, he's tall, green, and gorgeous; and two, he thinks they've been courting all this time—and expects her to drop everything and marry him at once. How does she respond?

7- He's a museum curator with a fetish for perfection. No one's ever gotten close to him; how could they? They're never as perfect as the portraits, the sculptures, the art that never changes. Then one day, an intern is hired on—a young, messy, disorganized intern, whose hair and desk are in a constant state of disarray. The curator is going half-mad with this walking embodiment of chaos; so why can't the he stand the thought of the intern leaving at the end of their assistantship? 

8- Yalena used to breed greyhounds; now, she rescues them. But one of the most powerful magnates in the racing industry takes issue with her efforts, and sends a professional saboteur to infiltrate her grassroots organization and undo it from within. Unfortunately, that saboteur quickly finds Yalena's spirit and determination irresistible (not to mention her perky smile and gorgeous eyes). Failure isn't an option; what's a formerly heartless corporate terrorist to do?

9-He's a cop—one of the good ones—and when an undercover bust went bad ten years ago, his wife and small child were killed. He swore he'd never love again. Then his old partner retires, only to be replaced by a wide-eyed, spunky rookie, whose seemingly impossible innocence and joie de vivre remind him life is worth living again. This could only end in disaster...right? Dare he make the first move?

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