Just Like A Slave

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It all began on last winter, Andrew one of the cute and hottest boys in school which was also considered as an emo boy and I close mind boy got hit by a snowball by Erica some girl from school just because everyone would think was a good idea making him join the fun for a while, Andrew suddenly stood up and with his cold hand slapped Erica's face in front of everyone and complained:

Andrew: bitch. That really hurt it.

Tears started falling from her eyes, while Andrew turned his back and walked towards the school gate, when another snow ball hit his head, he turned around furious and well prepared to hit back when he saw a girl that he never saw in his life, stared at him with a red nose and brown eyes.

Girl: Andrew, from today I curse you, you will end up falling for a girl that you never met in your life! That will try to keep you away from her till she ends up falling for you! You will be on her feet just like a slave! You won’t be able to live without her! In your eyes she will be as precious as your dam life! You and your dam coldness! You think you rule! Life will show you who rules. Just hope the girl isn’t someone that will make you ashamed.

Everyone was surprised; Andrew didn’t even attacked back or said anything as if for the first time of his life he felt lost. The girl headed to Erica and hugged and took her towards the school gate, everyone just went back to what they were doing, and Andrew life began there….


Erica: ha-ha I am remembering the day you said that long speech to Andrew JoJo.

Joelma: yeah don’t remind me of it. I think was like the biggest mistake in my life…

Her stomach moved round and round, just the thought of what she did it that last winter just made her feel sick, bad and a witch. A 6'5 foot tall white boy with blue eyes that looked like clear crystal, with long hair which covered most of his eyes if he didn’t moved away with his eyes plus his unique looks got through the crowed and headed to Erica and Joelma said:

Joelma: stop.

However was already too late, the 6'5 foot tall boy had his chest crashed with her back, his arms under hers wrapped around her tummy and his cheeks squashed with hers and smiled happily.

Joelma: Andrew! Let me go!

Andrew: nooo Jojo I love you!!

Erica: hey Andrew…

Hearing his name from another girl’s mouth was irritating for him, he didn’t look at her as if he didn’t hard her greetings, Joelma hand reached his other cheek and complained:

Joelma: aren’t you going to say hi Andrew??

His hand also reached hers and with pride her greeted her back, while then Joelma eyes shined seeing 6,0 foot tall Alex which had brown long hair with his left sided fringe left many people follow him, he had many girls that wanted him, one of the top hot boys in school but behind Andrew, but was well known for his kindness in contrast to Andrew. Joelma's crush, she liked him so much to the point that whenever she sees him her eyes would shine of happiness. Andrew followed her gaze, when he saw Alex his face expression changed from happy to furious, his heart beat it fast but Joelma was too busy looking at Alex. Alex come closer and had a blushful face.

Alex: hey Joelma

Joelma: umm hi Alex, you know you can call me jojo

Alex: I know.

There was a short term of silence, Joelma expression quite changed from exited to hurt; Erica just looked down as is she was embarrassed for Joelma. Andrew had an even furious face; he looked one more time down to Joelma and saw her playing with her fingers, he knew her very well and looked at Alex with anger and Alex eyes shined.

Andrew: if you know it, why you persist calling her by her actually name?

Alex: because I simply like her name better than her nickname

Andrew: Fuck. You.

Erica looked shocked and Andrew while Joelma just stared at Alex waiting for his reaction, Alex just looked down for a while as if he was hurt by what Andrew said.

Andrew: well I think is better if I go then, by the way you two look good in that position…

Then he fixed his messenger bag and headed to the empty school ground, Joelma expression changed to anger she looked at Andrew which already had a worried looking face.

Joelma: you see? Look what you done! Why you always are liked that to people that do well to you?! Let me go!

Andrew: but Joelma…

She elbowed him hard without caring for the pain that will cause him, she stood up and headed to where Alex headed, Andrew just had his hand covering where she elbowed him, he sobbed, but not because of the pain, but because of her. He struggled to stand up but was able to follow her without her noticing.

Outside the strong wind blowed, Alex and Joelma hair danced with the wind at the same rhythm. Joelma run towards Alex and held him by his arm, he looked back quite surprised but his face expression changed to an unfamiliar expression. He got his fingers through her hair and pulled her towards his, Joelma face turned immediately red, and her eyes shined while Alex just stared at her with his green eyes and a smirk on the face. Although this seems happening without people noticing, Andrew was there, but hided behind a pillar, witnessed everything with hurt.  Alex lips brushed against Joelma's lips, her heart beat it fast like never. Andrew just looked more angry and angry, he wished he could go there and punch Alex face, he wished he was the one that Joelma was letting doing that, he just wished all that, but if he did this he could lose her forever.

Alex: you are a pretty thing, no wonder Andrew seems so into you. However there are more pretty girls than you, can’t understand why you, Joelma.

She looked confused, but felt his words where to mean for someone like him to be using at this moment, his hand grabbed her hair tight making her feel pain, but it wasn’t worse than the words that she was hearing coming out from his mouth.

Alex: I would totally like you Joelma, but Andrew is so into you, that I doubt he would stay away from you even if you had a boyfriend, but you know I am bisexual right? Obvious you do, you are like my fan number 1, from all my fucking fans, you are the one that most pisses me off just because Andrew loves you like hell, and I love him but I also love you and you love him but somehow not interested in him which makes my life easier. I love you because you are beautiful, but I love Andrew more because of his coldness and how he is sexy, he is just like me.  So I am telling you right now, stop liking me, I want Andrew, I like you but Andrew way more, and if you keep sticking around me I might just accidentally fuck you, because I am already so frustrated that I like you, Andrew loves you, so you are like on my dam away.

The words where like a sharp knife leaving scars behind in Joelma's heart, she looked at him with so much hurt, but it didn’t affect him at all. She held the arm that his hand had through her hair and hold onto hard.

Joelma: listen Andrew is impossible, you liking him more than me, I am nice, I never treat you bad, I am always there for you! Andrew isn’t even bisexual or gay! How can you want him!

Alex: I knew it you were going to be like that, don’t worry, he can turn, is never too late. I am sorry but I can’t ever be yours just because of him. Jojo.

He let her go and smiled and walked away, leaving her there speechless. All kind of feelings where around Joelma, hate, anger, disappointment, envy. She looked down while the wind was still strong; she heard footsteps coming near her. Andrew just stood there not sure what is just happened there, because he was far he wasn’t able to hear the whole conversation. Joelma looked up and stared at Andrew like he never thought she would…

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