Chapter 10:Words like Sweetened Poison

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I gasped on reflex and then I was cowering back, in fear. My heart squeezed in my chest.

The knife clattered to the floor.

The next thing I knew, Adrian was grabbing my shoulders, shaking me roughly.

"ARE YOU CRAZY?" he cried, his voice rising in fury, "What were you thinking?"

The air rushed out of me and a breath of utter relief escaped me. I clamped a hand over my heart, "Jesus Christ! You scared me, Adrian! What the hell?!"

He completely ignored me, releasing me to run a hand restlessly through his hair as he glared at me, wide eyed, "Those guys weren't playing around, Charley. You could've gotten yourself killed!"

He was pissed at me?! Was he kidding me right now?

My eyes narrowed, "So what did you expect me to do, just walk away like a coward?!"

"YES!" he bellowed, "This is my business! You should've stayed out of it. We're not friends, Charley. You don't have to act like we are!"

Of course. Gratitude was apparently something he had not learned back in kindergarten.

I chuckled, the sound was laced with fury, "I did it for myself, Adrian. Not you. Unlike you, I have a conscience!"

"Well, IGNORE IT FOR ONCE!" he cried, his fists clenching, "Stop trying to save people's asses. We don't deserve it, and it sure as hell is not your responsibility! What could you possibly have done, Charley?!" he added, "You're literally HALF THEIR SIZE! You should just mind your own business, shut up..."

He swallowed hard then, and something ugly flickered through those narrowed eyes as he glared at me with unmasked hatred, "... And stop trying to cozy up to me just to get in my pants!"

My jaw hit the floor.


And with those words, my bitch switch flipped. My fists clenched in fury and I shoved him. Hard.

"Are you kidding me right now?!" I spat in disgust and my voice rose angrily, "Get in your pants? Give me a break, Hunt! That's what they would've done to you if I hadn't stepped in!"

The words caused Adrian to stumble backwards. He stared at me for a moment, shocked.

"What?" his words were a choked whisper, and his voice cracked before he could get the words out.

"I wanted to get into your pants?" I cried, disgusted and infuriated as I shoved him again, "What an arrogant prig! The only reason why I stepped in even though I hate your guts, Hunt, is because I know what those kids are capable of! I know what horrible things they've done, and I knew you weren't going to get out of it in one piece! But you know what?" I paused to glare at him in repugnance, "Maybe I should've just walked away and let them rape you!"

Adrian flinched. A look of disbelief crossed his face, only to be replaced by panic, and then fear.

"Charley, I-"

"Screw you, Adrian," I found myself saying for the second time that day as I walked away from him. I feared I might just hurt him if I didn't leave now.

I heard footfalls before he grabbed my arm, blocking my path. His forest green eyes were wide with panic, "Look, I'm sorry! I..." he swallowed, realizing he's said the words once too often. "I... didn't mean what I said."

I didn't know why he even bothered apologizing anymore.

I shot him a smoldering look, "It's getting old, Adrian. Words can't be taken back that easily."

"Wait!" he called after me as I veered around him, "I know you're pissed but let me drive you home, Charley. They... they might be waiting for you outside."

I nearly chuckled.

"Right now, Adrian, I'd rather crash into those asswipes than spend a second longer with you," I spat, before striding away, leaving him staring after me in silence.


A/N- Don't forget to comment and give me feedback! Thanks soo much for reading and for all the votes you guys have been giving! I'm so thankful I thought I'd give you a double update <3

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