Chapter 34: Lies

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Sweet music drifted over the makeshift dance floor, which was really just Sam's backyard, as dim lighting shone over the area, creating an almost romantic atmosphere. A few couples stood, swaying to the music, their eyes dreamy as they gazed into the others eyes, seemingly oblivious to the onlookers around them.

"Well, this was a disappointment," I heard Ethan mutter beside me.

When Sam had decided to invite her old friends over for a small gathering of sorts, Ethan and I had been dragged along. Unfortunately, the adults were drunk and getting too cosy, and alcohol was off limits for minors. Thus, Ethan was pissed.

Laughing in reply, I left him to refill my cup. It was as I sipped the strange purple drink in silence, that a woman approached the food and drinks table, peering over the desserts laid out with curious eyes. My eyes were immediately drawn to her red hair, which hung in long pretty waves below her shoulders. Her skin was a ghostly pale, and she seemed innocently pleased at the sight of Sam's muffins.

"They're great," I said, "You should try some."

She glanced up startled, as if she hadn't noticed me standing there. When she found my smile, the woman's eyes softened. They were a deep green, I noticed. She was stunning.

An innocent smile fell over her face and her gaze returned to the muffins, "You think so?"

Reaching out with dainty fingers, she took a velvet one and proceeded to take a small bite. Her smile widened no sooner, her hand rushing to her lips to cover her grin. "It's really good," she said softly.

I found myself grinning in reply. "I don't think we've met before," I said, hand held out, "My name's Charley Green."

The smile fell from her lips. She stared, something instantly flashing through those startling green eyes. The woman blinked, and then the look was gone.

"Oh," she rushed, and I realized suddenly that she looked uneasy, "Nice to meet you." She took my hand. I noticed hers was cold.

"I'm Mary Clark."

"You seem surprised to hear my name," I laughed, "By any chance, did you know my father?"

There was a long silence as she stared at me, and I knew she was thinking.

"No," she finally answered in a small voice, "I never met Anthony Green."

"So what brought you here on a Tuesday night?"

Mary's gaze darted, almost helplessly, across the dancefloor to where my Psychology teacher was deep in conversation, "Isaac is my friend. He thought I should come."

I grinned, "That's sweet of him."

There was a long pause. "He thought I should make amends," she finally said, voice low.

My grin dropped unnoticeably, "Amends for what?"

Mary Clark didn't seem to hear me. She raised her muffin to her lips and her mouth opened wide as her teeth dug into it sharply, tearing out a crater with sudden hunger. She swallowed. It was then that her gaze met mine, and her lips curved into a smile that stretched from ear to ear. Her green gaze was innocent, but something about it sent chills down my spine.

"Don't we all have things to make amends for, Charley Green?" she said, before swerving past me in the direction of Isaac Evans.

Ethan was still in a foul mood when I returned, still perplexed by the redhead's parting words. The boy looked as frail as he had always been but recently, some colour seemed to be seeping into his cheeks.

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