Chapter 32: The Walk

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Emptying the contents of my book bag, I began arranging them neatly, trying to make sense of the dump that had become my locker. It was Monday morning and after a weekend staring at each photograph I had taken at Kimberly's place on Friday, I was exhausted.

"Hey," a husky voice from nearby caused me to glance sideways.

Adrian stood beside me, leaning casually against his locker with his hands chucked into his pockets. Donned in black denims and a simple white t-shirt that had creases all over it, his untamed black hair tumbled over his forehead as usual, as he all but towered over me.

The corners of his lips had tipped upwards just slightly to form a subtle, barely there smile.

"Hey," I replied, a grin flitting across my face before I could stop it. I turned back to my locker, resuming my work, "What's up?"

"I just wanted to... um, thank you for the other day," Adrian all but stumbled over his words, "I'll admit, it could've gone a lot worse if you hadn't... tried to help." I had to struggle to suppress a grin as Adrian swallowed, repeating his words in case I hadn't heard it the first time, "So, um, thank you. That was... that was some quick thinking on your part, I guess..."

Losing the fight, I allowed a satisfied smirk to fill my face as I turned my gaze to his embarrassed form.

"I'm a genius, aren't I?" I murmured in agreement.

I could almost physically see the inward groan that followed from Adrian, the shame on his face vanishing in an instant, before his familiar eye roll greeted me.

A laugh escaped my lips, "You're welcome, Adrian."

"Ugh, you're impossible, aren't you, Charley?" He shook his head, looking down at me in disappointment. But the slight curve to the corner of his lips remained and I knew he was laughing on the inside.

"Impossible to outsmart, you mean?" I smirked in satisfaction.

"Impossible to handle." He said matter-of-factly, arms crossing over his chest.

"Aw, I'm too much for you to handle?" I asked in pretend earnestness, smirk widening, "You flatter me too much, Adrian."

"Never mind," he replied with a groan, "Forget I thanked you. Next time, just let me drown." He added with a sigh, "Perhaps a quick death would be a better alternative to hearing Charley Green gloat about her accomplishments for the rest of the year."

He turned to leave, head shaking in disapproval as another laugh escaped my lips, but I grabbed his book bag, halting him, "No, wait." Adrian turned, eyebrow raised questioningly, but the faint curve to his lips remained.

"On a serious note, though," I added, "You better get a note from your dad or I'm afraid your next class will be a repeat of the last one."

The smile slipped from his face, which sobered up instantly, "I was thinking avoiding Awan would do."

"No, it won't. Not anymore," I frowned, "Why can't you just get a note from your father?"

He swallowed, before the same forced smile returned to his lips, "He's pretty busy usually. It's difficult to get hold of him. Are you sure I can't just avoid Awan for the rest of the year?"

I had a hunch he wasn't quite telling me the whole story.

I sighed, silence following as I racked my brains, thinking.

"I could try talking to Harrison for you?" I finally offered, "Get him to excuse you."

Adrian's brows furrowed in what I sensed was bewilderment, "You'd be willing to do that for me?"

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