6. Jobs & Heart Throbs Prt. 1

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Elle's POV

"Nina get up! We're going to the beach today!", I yell in her room. She groans and throws a pillow at me.

"Come on. Today is the day to have fun. Just me and you"

"Fine!", she gets up and grabs her bikini.

I go into my bathroom and straighten my hair after throwing on my stripes bikini and high waisted shorts.

Me and Nina walk to the beach since it's only a few blocks away.

Before we go in the water, we decide to eat first at the pizza palace. The sun is so beautiful out as we're sitting right by the sand.

"So, are you ever gonna see Andy again?", Nina says.

"Probably. He really is a genuine and sweet guy. And he says he loves my french accent. I just wish that Harry wouldn't butt in in everything. I mean, he's my ex. It's really none of his business".

I feel like all of my emotions are bundled up into one big wad. It doesn't make sense that he thinks he can come back into my life. That was years ago.

"Well I think the best thing you can do right now is just have a serious conversation with Harry and tell him on how you don't want him in your life in a sexual manor", she says.

It does seem like a good idea.


Me and Harry were sitting in the local cafe down the street from me and Nina's apartment.

"So I wanted to talk to you about us", I say.

"Proceed", he drinks his coffee.

"I don't want you in my life like that. I'm not attracted to you in that manor anymore. I want to be able to see people without worrying that you might say or do something. That shouldn't even be the case since we're not together anymore. Our relationship took it's course a long time ago and I don't need you in my business", I try to say that the most harmless way possible.

He stares blankly at his coffee, asuming he's thinking this whole thing through.

"Harry?", I put my hand over his.

He gets up and walks out, leaving me completely astounded.


Harry's POV

So she thinks that she can just break my heart like that?

Of course I still have feelings for her. We were the shit in high school.

I just don't even know what to say. Does she really not want to see me? I haven't even left the parking lot yet. I'm just sitting in my car waiting for a miracle to happen. For her to come back to me.

I drive to the only place that will help me forget this ever happened. The bar.


Elle's POV

Me and Nina are sitting on my bed, me telling her what happened.

"I mean, I'm glad I got my feelings out to Harry. I just didn't think that he would react the way he did", I say.

"Well, I'm glad that you did what you did. At least he knows that you don't want to lead him on", Nina says.

This is why me and her are best friends. She understands me and we communicate well.

"Just let him cool off and forget about him. For crying out loud, he's my stepbrother!"

I grab a thin stack of newpapers and look at a few jobs listed.

- Jeremy's Coffee Shop

- The Milkshake Factory

- Barnes & Nobles

I circled all of these and narrowed it down to one job. I need a job that can pay good money, but something that is interesting and I can do.

So, I picked the coffee shop. This is the most popular one in the neighborhood, so it probably pays good money which I can hopefully pay for cable and groceries.

"Okay so, I'm going to go to this place tomorrow and see if I can get this job to help you out since I live here"

She looks at the newspaper and nods. "You really don't have to. I have us covered for the next 20 years", she smiles.

"Well Nina, I gotta start somewhere"

Before you kill me, I know this is short....so lets continue!

The coffee shop inside was really nice. It looked like a starbucks, but better. The chairs were neatly aligned in rows and on the side, the room smelled of coffee and cake. Simple, but pleasurable.

I walked up to the cashier. "Hi, I want to apply for a job here"

"Oh alright! Here are the papers you have to fill out", the woman hands me the papers and I sit down, filling everything out.

I hand her back the papers after I'm done and head back to the apartment, picking up lunch on the way.

"Hey! What'd you get?", Nina asks.

"Tacos and milkshakes", I hand her the food.

I sit on the couch and drink my milkshake. "So the manager is gonna call me by tomorrow and tell me if I got the job or not"

"That's good. And by the way, we're going out to dinner with Harry"

I nod my head before processing what is happening.

"Wait! We're going to dinner with the one person you know I can't be around AND you arranged it?"

"Yeah. It was only because he got a promotion on his job. So I wanted to treat him"

Maybe she doesn't understand what really happened between me and Harry and where we stand today.

Nina left me to get dressed.

There was no point in impressing Harry, so I put on skinny jeans and a regular blue t-shirt with my converse and a hoodie.

"Oh my god! What are you wearing?!", she yelled.

"Something casual"

Nina looked at me, and if looks could kill, I would be dead on the spot.

I'm glad she just dropped it and drove to the restaurant.

It was nothing fancy, thank god.

Harry was sitting at a table waiting for us. He had on skinny jeans and a plaid shirt.

"Hey", he coldly says.


I'm not giving any effort into talking. So not wasting my breath on him.

"Congratulations on your promotion", Nina tries to spark a conversation. But Harry just says thanks and shrugs it off.

Silence fills the table.

The waiter comes and orders our food and drinks.

"Elle, hopefully you get the job at that coffee shop"

I can tell she was just doing this on purpose to make me talk. She's supposed to be on MY side. Not the other way around!

I nod and chew my straw while drinking my sprite. It's starting to get really awkward.

And then it happens...

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