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R: Hi.

E: Hoi

R: Hows your week going?

E: Going pretty boring, how's yours?

R: Very depressing and numb

E: Winston was barking for no reason. And I'm sorry, I truly wish I could help

R: Yeah. The one person that has been making me happy can't come over because parents think we had sex and don't like him to begin with.

E: ----? Anarcy? (or how ever you spell the last name)

R: Anarchy

E: That's weird, and I'm 99% sure that you two wouldn't have sex. So I don't understand why his parents would think that you two would have sex :/

R: my parents think that because he was up in my room and we were being stupid having a middle schooler moaning contest

E: *sigh* Parent's can suck man. Like if your parents know that you are dating Sean still, they shouldn't assume that type of things. But I understand why because teenagers cheat a lot but still

R: Yeah. plus he has a girlfriend

E: Whatever. So he can't go over at all? Like not hang out in the living room or something?

R: Nope. Not until I talk to my mom about him coming over but staying on the porch.

E: Would she let him come over then?

R: Idk I have to talk to her about it.

E: Lol okay. I'm on Skyblock if you wanna join :P

R: I might idk

E: We could play ctf and love tap :P

R: UGH I can't ---- wants family night

E: Maaaan dat suuucks :( Wanna do it tomorrow????

R: Maybe. Kinda depends on if I'm still as antisocial as I am rn

E: Okay, if you need anything, let me know

R: I need to get a better life. Can you supply me with one?

E: I'll talk to a few people and see if I can. Might take a while though

R: UGH but I need one like rn

E: I'll check, but I might not be able to supply one. Many people need a new life right now, and my uh business is running low on lives

R: Best storyline ever!

E: :D We need to do that more often whenever we talk. Just create a random story line or act like a random character and just roll with it

R: Yeah.

E: That'd be our own little thing :P

R: Yep

E: Do you need to go? Plus I need motivation for writing my own book. Can you contact your own business and give me a small amount of motivation?

R: I don't have to go yet. I might be starting a new business

E: Maybe we could combine businesses. And wanna go on Skyblock??? We can keep doing this convo thing

R: can't mom should be home soon. We can combine businesses. My new business with be quotes

E: Hmm, a life business and a quote business... Maybe we can try and figure something out for it.

R: hey guess what?

E: What?

R: Fat use to be Eat but the E got a bite taken off

E: Well then lol

R: yeah

E: My dad is going to a cabin this weekend

R: cool

E: Meh :P I don't know what my mom and I will be doing

R: That sucks

E: Mhmm :P I might be forced to talk to people this year. Izzy might literally drag me to talk to new people ><

R: YAY! I'm going to school with Jenna hating me and talking to 2-4 people only

E: You know you can text me whenever you want during school. Literally, all my classes besides 2, are electives. Soooo, yeaah. But -----'s messed up man. I don't understand her

R: I know, Anarchy has cheated on her and she doesn't want me taking him away from her. We both are lying to her face. Me and him are still gonna talk even though he told her that he cut contact with me.

E: Does Anarchy still like -----?

R: I wanna say yes. But he likes me more.

E: Oh okay. ----- needs to learn, that she can't claim people as her own

R: Yeah. Idk why she is still with him since he cheated on her twice

E: Wait, are they dating?? I thought they weren't

R: They got back together

E: Of course they did, it shouldn't surprise me. I don't even understand why you would date a person again if they cheated on you once. Let alone twice

R: yeah. Oh and ------ is having another baby. She is 3 weeks rn

E: Seriously? I like her and all, but she's ruining her life

R: Yeah.

E: Uggggh, peeeoplee

R: Yep.

E: I don't understand people anymore. Like -----, ----- and I guess now -----. Wait...

R: ----- is a good mom tho

E: Well that's good then. And I like how all the people we/I don't really like are girls xD

R: Yeah, but honestly same.

E: Again, I feel like I'm better friends with guys and tomboys than anything

R: Yeah.

E: Lol :}

R: I may be a little girly but god damn I hate drama

E: Lol, I'm more tomboy than you :P

R: Yeah. sadly. Well until you take me to a cabin then im all 4 wheelers, mud, swimming in a creek, fishing, and crawfish hunting.

E: Wellllll, the swimming in a creek is meh. Remember when we tried to swim in a creek? By the park near my house?

R: omg you kinda freaked out

E: So did you! It wasn't just me!

R: It was all slimy!!!!!!!!!!

E: It was, and I swear there was a freaking frog swimming by us xD

R: Lol. The creeks/rivers down here aren't like that. You just have to watch you don't get taken by the current

E: Niice, I wish the river near me wasn't a huge current

R: Lol

E: :} I'm bored. Wanna work on our book, or nah?

R: Nah I have to go downstairs now.. Wish me luck on socializing.

E: Oki, and if you need anything let me know

R: k make sure you get me that life I want

E: Oh yeah, I'll check up on that. I'll let you know later today on what I find out. Are we finished with this convo today?? Or should we keep it for later tonight??

R: I say keep it just in case

E: Okay, I won't put it on wattpad yet then

Rayn and Eden's ConversationsWhere stories live. Discover now