E: Should we remove the convo above? So we won't have like 100 pages to scroll down to? I feel like it'll be easier. And the convo above is already published
R: Done
E: Okay lol
R: I don't know what else to put
E: *sigh*
R: what? Writing is hard
E: Meh
R: ughhhhh
E: :P Oh yeah, my dad flipped out on a nurse on Wednesday
R: lol yeah you told me
E: It was bad then we went out to parallel park yesterday, and he made me pissed while I was driving O.o
R: thats not good
E: Uh, no
R: your not suppose to drive while mad
E: I know. I got anxiety because of it. So when we pulled into the Giant driveway he asked me how driving for 3 hours was. I said "good, but I started to get light headed" And he didn't do anything about it like usual
R: Why is he such a dick
E: Because he has anger issues and doesn't have the patience for people, so I have to deal with the anger.
R: Why doesn't he just go to a person who specializes in anger issues
E: Because he doesn't realize he has anger issues. It was WAY worse when I was younger
R: *sighs*
E: The sad thing is, is that I don't know my child hood. The ONLY thing I remember is school. I don't remember the days at home or anything. And my parents never really tell me what was going on those times. But whenever they say something about their childhood they always say "I shouldn't be telling you this, but..." then continues
R:... well then. Hey friend?
E: What's up? And sorry I was writing the story on wattpad. I'll publish it now then publish the chapters once a day when we pile up. And please tell me "ayisishiyagalombili" isn't a word in Zulu. O.o
R: thats what i wanted to tell you it means 8
E: Just remind me to never learn Zulu xD
R: I kinda want to. It can be our secret language
E: Nah, I'll stick with ASL
R: ok
E: Lol. Oh and just saying the book Servants of the Storm just got freaking real xD
R: lol
E: it's insane xD but extremely good. And quite literally "insane"
R: yay
E: You're gonna like the book
R: good
E: Just sayin, that there are a lot of twists in the book and shocking things that happen
R: cool
E: Hey, what should my parents and I do this weekend? My mom asked me to pick something and I truly don't know. We can't spend hundreds of dollars but we can spend a little bit. Any ideas? And brb gonna make foooooooooooooooooooooooooooooood.
R: your parents aren't fun.. They would rather go beer taste testing than do something you want to do.
E: If I ask to color, my mom would only color one small thing and my dad won't do anything at all. And yeah. So idk what to do. I WANNA SEE JIGSAW!!! But cant D: it comes out in october
Rayn and Eden's Conversations
LosoweTrigger warning! May contain suicide references, depressed conversation and over all cringness. Reader discretion is advised Not for the faint at heart Rayn wrote the trigger warning. Basically, this "book" is Rayn and Eden's conversation. We decid...