E: Hey
R: Hi
E: How is you?
R: Fine ig.
E: Can I ask why you guess?
R: Right now I just feel numb.
E: Makes sense, how are you and ----? If you don't want to talk about it, then you don't have to. And would you like me to see if you could come over this weekend?
R: Me and ---- are fine. Kinda.. He feels as if I'm pushing him away. Which in a sense I could be and not realise it. I've been hanging with Anarchy more than him so..
E: Makes sense as to him feeling being pushed away. I'm guessing you are hanging with Anarchy a lot more than ----??
R: Yeah. Lately he's been the one making me happier.
E: Oh okay. Well I hope that everything goes well for you with whatever happens.
R: Yeah me too.
E: :) What do you think will happen in the next few months? And I love how we are having two conversations
R: Idk what will happen in the next few months. Since Anarchy has been in the picture we have had more big fights.
E: Big fights with ---- or Anarchy?
R: ----
E: I noticed that, well kinda. Whenever you post something on your story it's sometimes about a fight and what not
R: Yeah usually when I post something about how someone makes me happy its usually about Anarchy.
E: Can I ask a weird question then?
R: Sure
E: Nevermind I don't remember what I was gonna ask. Since it's been a few hours.
Rayn and Eden's Conversations
RandomTrigger warning! May contain suicide references, depressed conversation and over all cringness. Reader discretion is advised Not for the faint at heart Rayn wrote the trigger warning. Basically, this "book" is Rayn and Eden's conversation. We decid...