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E: Hey

R: Hi

E: How is you?

R: Fine ig.

E: Can I ask why you guess?

R: Right now I just feel numb.

E: Makes sense, how are you and ----? If you don't want to talk about it, then you don't have to. And would you like me to see if you could come over this weekend?

R: Me and ---- are fine. Kinda.. He feels as if I'm pushing him away. Which in a sense I could be and not realise it. I've been hanging with Anarchy more than him so..

E: Makes sense as to him feeling being pushed away. I'm guessing you are hanging with Anarchy a lot more than ----??

R: Yeah. Lately he's been the one making me happier.

E: Oh okay. Well I hope that everything goes well for you with whatever happens.

R: Yeah me too.

E: :) What do you think will happen in the next few months? And I love how we are having two conversations

R: Idk what will happen in the next few months. Since Anarchy has been in the picture we have had more big fights.

E: Big fights with ---- or Anarchy?

R: ----

E: I noticed that, well kinda. Whenever you post something on your story it's sometimes about a fight and what not

R: Yeah usually when I post something about how someone makes me happy its usually about Anarchy.

E: Can I ask a weird question then?

R: Sure

E: Nevermind I don't remember what I was gonna ask. Since it's been a few hours.

Rayn and Eden's ConversationsWhere stories live. Discover now