Chapter 2: Different

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"Ok (y/n), right through these doors!"

Taking a step past the doors, you could feel a different feeling. This feeling of importance, the smell of profession, it was amazing.

Taking further steps in, you took advatange of your surroundings, looking around at every angle and corner of the larger room in front of you. A round command desk with a black and orange overwatch logo plastered onto the front end of the table, sat neatly in the center of the room.

Multiple silver desks were stragically placed on the sides of the room, organized parallel to one another.

The room was a bright gray with orange contrasted objects placed in various different locations, it was marvelous.

You clutched your backpack with one hand as one strap rested over your shoulder, letting the other dangle down to your lower back.

A black, unbuttoned leather jacket had given your outfit a punk look as your red t-shirt seeped through the center. Your black jeans fit perfectly as it followed your legs to your black tennis shoes. A nice fitting, red beanie topped and outlined your head to finish the outfit alltogether.

As you soaked in your surroundings you grinned at the position you were holding. All these heros, and you got to fit along side them, not exactly the way you imagined but, you didn't mind it.

By the way...

"...Where are the heros?" A confused stare had pierced angelas suprised demeanor.

The first question, to come out of your mouth made angela giggle a bit as she was happy to answer, "Well some are in their respective rooms, and the majority of the others are in the cafeteria for a special occasion! Come, i must show you around the facility!"

She proceeded to walk in front of you as you quickly followed behind.

"Whats the occasion?" In a place such as this one, you couldn't help but feel, a little questionable.

"I shall show you, after the  necessities are displayed to you of, course. The cafeteria is on the tour so, you will get to see it!"

You smiled and nodded even though angela wasn't watching, she knew your answer.

Peering into some and entering into many, you were explained each rooms function that angela had shown you. One being the trainning room, one being angelas office, and the other being the most important, the infirmary. That is where you were going to spend most of your time at overwatch...

When angela had escorted you out of the room, she guided you through the enormous hallways that had stood towers above you.

Your own world of happiness and awe had been inturupted by the sound of angela, "..and this here is our cafeteria! Right now one of our legendary members of overwatch reinhardt willhelm, has a birthday today!"

Your eyes lowered as you passed a silver pillar, to gander at the direction angela was guiding you.

Their stood many heros, including a big muscled, white haired hero sitting at the end of the table they had surrounded as he was gourging his face with cake.

"Everyone! I would like you to meet my assistant and the newest member of the overwatch family, (y/n)!"

You stood nonchilant next to angela as the group peered your way, with reinhardt being the last to look with a mouthfull of cake.

His eyes widened as he took several blinks at you, stopping his munching for a moment. His puckered lips trying to conceal the food in his mouth as he began to chew slowly again before gently swallowing the piece down with a decently loud gulp. Cake had littered his white mustache as he gazed at you with awe.

The crowd surrounding reinhardt greeted you politley, everyone except him. He was still processing your presence gracing his.

As your eyes panned the crowd, they had landed on rein's, as you watched him keep his jaw open slightly.

You smiled a little at the awe struck man and gently spoke four simple words that seemed to send chills down his spine, "Well, happy birthday reinhardt."

A second had passed before reinhardt had let your words sink into his brain, "Thank you..."

He sounded like he was dumbfounded as he kept starring at your figure. It was amazing how much attention you had grabbed from him, it was almost kinda scary. You took notice of his blank eye but, thought it was really cool. Then as you had traced your eyes down his body you noticed his rainbow dog tag dangling down his neck. Your eyes had rose at the sight, a handsome man that likes other men, perfect.

Your cheeks rose a little as rein had looked down at his dog tag and then back up at you smirking a bit.

His mustache outlining his smile and covering his upper lip, seemed to be one of the best features about him you liked, it was adorable.

This newfound sensation you had felt was unfortunatley cut short by angelas words, "Alright, (y/n) i'll show you to your room and you can start unpacking! You have a big test in a couple of days!"

"Oh! Right!..." You looked back at reinhardt after your mini talk with angela, with sunshine filled eyes and a carefree goodbye wave as you finished"...Well, i'll see ya later big guy!"

Reinhardt had finally snapped out of his love filled trance, as he witnessed you two prepare yourself for another walk.


Reinhardts outburst of energy gave you a chill as you laughed at his quirkyness and manly personality.

Your eyes still followed reinhardts deadlock stare as you turned back to walk with angela towards your room.

It was almost if his smile and character was engraved in your mind at this point. It was just so different and full of energy, even for his old age he still had a kid inside just bursting at the seems, dieing to escape.

You liked liked that alot. Smiling even bigger now, you cut the silence between you and angela in a gentle yet energetic manor, "I like him, He's really cool!"

Angela chuckled a bit covering her mouth at your gitty delight.

"He is quite the handfull!"

You smiled and thought about it a bit longer, "He's...kinda handsome too..."

Your words had trailed off but, angela had heard them loud and clear, as she smiled....but, felt a wave of sorrow pass over her.

Like she was hiding something....

A Lion's Heart [Reinhardt x Male Reader] Overwatch Fanfic Where stories live. Discover now