Chapter 22: Bone Chilling

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Feeling like he was at the end of his line, it didn't take much convincing to push himself further into depression. It didn't help the fact that every muscle in his body was aching and in pain to the point, where it felt like he couldn't move. His joints stiffened and his bones fragile, it seemed hopeless.

In his mind he was thinking of the positive outcomes of a scenerio like this. Something invigorating to boost his emotions, to help him crawl out of this state of misery, it had kept his mind off of the horrible physical pain in his body.

Thinking about this feeling of energy and hormones rushing it seemed to have an effect on his well being, somewhat like a miracle. A sudden rush of energy had filled his body, a wave of positive stamina and fresh air had filled his lungs making him breathe easier. Reinhardt couldn't believe it for a second, it was unreal.

He had a theory pop into his mind, now witnessing this unknown strength absorb his body. Testing it out, he instantly got up out of his chair, planting his feet onto solid ground. It was tremendous, unfathomable to him. This odd sensation that had engulfed him was enough to send him into a small outburst of pure joy and happiness. Looking at his hands filled with life, he turned them into righteous fists and pumped them up and down.

This was insane, he had never felt this type of energy in a long time. He could hardly belie-.

He stopped and began to think for a moment.

That was when he realized his fate. That he knew exactly what was happening to him.

His joy now fading entirely, now replaced with that horrid feeling of sorrow again. How could he be so foolish to think he had actually regained that energy to keep? That is when he realized he needed to still fufill his desire.


The subtle creek of the medical bay door, was enough to alert rein' of your presence. The door clicked shut with you stepping out into the silent hallway with a torn down expression. This had been the third time you had bugged Angela if it was done, and even though she was incredibly irritated with the questions, she knew you cared just about him just as much as she did.

You didn't acknowledge his actions mainly for the fact that your eyes were shut closed thinking about how to keep your composure and to keep rein' fighting for as long as he could. Your voice broken, it was hard to speak with the urge to cry.

"Shes gonna need a little more time, s-" Turning your head you examined the brute no longer in his chair but, standing taller than ever smiling in your direction. Your eyes lifted, confused by the sight of the one you care about standing on his feet after being wheelchair ridden.

"Rein' how can yo-"

"It appears to be a miracle, beautifull." Reinhardt didn't seem to be as happy and joyous as you intended but, you didn't care. He was full of life again and that's all that mattered to you.

"This is incredible!" Feeling the insatiable urge to run up and hug him, you wrapped your arms around the beefy figure and let the tears run down your cheeks curving around the edges of your joy smothered smile.

Feeling his hands snake themselves around your waist, he gently pressed his lips against your hair and eagerly awaited for your attention.

"I can hardly believe it either but, what i do believe in, is that we should celebrate. A small trip i suppose. Just long enough for Angela to finish her work."

Letting pure happiness quickly envelope your view and thoughts, you couldn't help but, agree with a nice destination.

"I say we go to were we first connected, in our minds and in our hearts."

A Lion's Heart [Reinhardt x Male Reader] Overwatch Fanfic Where stories live. Discover now