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Hello people, this is my first fanfic so it's kinda crappy but oh well...

When I woke up I was freezing cold. I grumbled and wrapped my blanket around myself tighter. Why the hell was it so cold? I sat up wrapped my blanket back around me and looked around my room. Then I saw something out my window.

I jumped up and ran over to it. Could it be? Had it finally happened? I mean sure it had snowed but it usually melted away. There was finally actual snow outside and there was a lot of it. I squealed and jumped up and down then ran out of my room into the kitchen to find all the Avengers eating their breakfast.

"Good morning y/n," said Steve as he poured himself a cup of coffee.

"It finally happened!" I grinned. "It snowwwwwwed!" I jumped around the kitchen and yelled making sure everyone knew it had snowed.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah, we know now get ready for school before you're late" grumbled my dad.

"Alright fine." I grabbed a bowl and got a poured some cereal into it then sat between Thor and Natasha. Thor had two boxes of pop tarts in front of him one was already gone ow working on the second box. "Slow down dude!" I said hitting his shoulder playfully.

He grinned at you then ate another pop tart in two bites. I rolled my eyes, "Show off." He just laughed his big booming voice filling the kitchen. I finished eating, got up and left the kitchen and headed to my room to get dressed. Once I was dressed I brushed my teeth and pulled my hair into a messy bun then headed off.

"Bye, Sam, bye Steve, bye Clint, bye Nat, bye Bucky, bye Vision, bye Wanda, bye Thor, bye Bruce, bye dad!"

"Bye kiddo, Happy is out front in the car waiting for you," your dad said. "Only two more days until Christmas break!" he added as you walked off.

"Good morning Happy," I said once I got in the car.

He grumbled something then drove off. As usual Happy was not very happy. You arrived at Midtown High School a few minutes later. "Bye kid, be safe," Happy told you before you got out and walked into the hell hole called school.

Lol this one sucks but whatever...

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