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It was 8:00 (pm) and people were already coming for the party. There were so many people and most of them I didn't even know. As I walked around I saw Sam wearing a New Years hat and flirting with some girl and Thor nearby showing off his dance moves.

I then found Bruce sitting down obviously hiding from all of the crazy party people. I sat down on the chair next to him and smiled.

"How's it going?" I asked.

"It's going." he said taking a sip of his drink.

I smiled and shook my head.

"Where's Parker?" he asked.

"I think he's still at home. But he'll be coming soon."

Bruce nodded, "You plan on telling Tony about you two soon?"

"Uhhh I don't really know."

He laughed, "I really doubt he'll care if you two are dating."

"I know that, I just have no idea how to tell him."

Bruce shrugged, "It will work out in the end, don't stress."

I smiled, "Thanks Bruce."

We then heard shouting by the dance area. I turned my head to find Thor and Vision in an epic and terrible dance battle. I turned back to Bruce to find him with wide eyes full of horror.

"Oh god." he whispered. "It's so terrible. I'm gonna go join them."

I laughed and watched him go join their terrible dancing. Thor looked like he was trying to twerk but failed miserably. Then Clint joined the three of them as well as Sam and my dad. It was quite a sight. (Imagine them dancing to Fergalicious or Wannabe by the Spice Girls)

I then spotted Peter pushing his way through all of the people. I waved then ran up to him.

"Hey! What took so long?" I yelled over the music.

"I've been here the whole time I just got lost in all the people."

I laughed, "Well I'm glad I've finally found you."

"Your dad has some pretty great dance moves." He said pointing over to him.

I burst into laughter. "Do I get to see your moves."

"Oh god no."

"Please!" I begged.

He folded his arms then shook his head. I grabbed his hands and started moving them to the beat of this music, "Come on, I know you want to."

He smiled at me. Soon we were jumping around and dancing with everyone else.

By 9:00 more people had arrived and almost everyone was drunk. Everything was very crazy and loud. At one point a huge crowd had surrounded an old man and they were all screaming and jumping around as he danced. (yes that old man was Stan Lee)

Me and Peter also ran into Scott and his friend Luis. Luis was very hyped to be at the party. He told me and Peter a story about his cousin and some other people but it made absolutely no sense. So Peter and I just nodded and smiled along.

Things started to calm back down but then Hollaback Girl came on and Clint stood up and began screaming the lyrics.


Then Bucky, Sam, Scott, Thor and surprisingly Steve joined him. Then everyone was back up and dancing again. The only people who were not going crazy were Nat and Wanda. They just sat on the couches and videoed everything.

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