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At school I was known as y/n Griggs so people didn't know I was a Stark. But even though I had a fake name and a fake life at school I still tried not to draw a lot of attention to myself.I didn't really talk to anyone. But I mostly didn't talk to people because they all suck and I'm smarter than like all of them.

I walked to my locker to get some books and then I saw him. The one person I didn't hate at this school. Peter Parker. He was one of my best friends. I became friends with him last year when I first started at the school, we became very close friends. My dad told me he was Spider-Man after the whole Civil War fiasco so I could help keep an eye on him and keep him out of trouble. I would tell him I'm a Stark but my dad said we couldn't just yet. I also have never told him that I knew he was Spider-Man.

He had amazing brown curly hair and dark brown eyes that made me melt whenever I looked at them. He was also very smart and kind and just a plain awkward nerd. I couldn't help but fall for him.

I would ask him out I totally would, but somehow I didn't get any of my dads charm and got a whole bunch of social anxiety instead. So even the thought of asking made me want to throw up. I also had a lot of doubt that he liked me back.

I realized I had been staring at him then turned away quickly. Aw crap I hope no one saw that. I grabbed my books then the bell rang and i headed to class. Peter ran up to me.

"Hey y/n."

"Hi Pete."

We talked as we walked through the halls together but soon had to split up and go to different classes.

The first three periods were long and boring. The teachers talked about things I already knew so I just doodled in my notebook or looked out at the snow slowly drifting through the air. Finally it was time for fourth period, science. I had the class with Peter at least.

"Hey Pete." I said as I sat down next to him. "How's school been?"


I laughed, "Same here."

The class surprisingly went by fast and soon me and Peter where off to lunch.

We sat down at our usual table with Ned and MJ.

When we sat down Ned and MJ were talking about Christmas break.

"So, what are you doing during Christmas break?" Ned asked me.

"Well my family is staying with us so I guess I will just be hanging out with them." I replied. (Your fam is the Avengers)

"Cool, I would hang out with Peter over the break but he has the Stark internship." Ned said glaring at Peter. I looked down at my lap to hide my face.

Peter grumbled, "I'm sorry Ned, it's not my fault Mr. Stark might need my help."

"Fine, I'll just build my new Star Wars lego set alone." he replied. Peter rolled his eyes and I laughed.

"Ned, if I'm not doing anything I will help you build your lego set." I told him.

"Really!" he said excitedly. I smiled and nodded at him. "I think y/n is my best friend now." Ned told Peter. I laughed and Peter glared at him. "Peter you have to join us." he begged. Me and Ned both looked at him while doing our best puppy dog eyes.

"Fine. I can on Saturday but only Saturday." he answered. Ned glanced over to me.

"Yeah that works." I said grinning.

MJ rolled her eyes at us, "You guys are losers."

I hit her arm jokingly, "Well so are you."

"Well I'm not as big of a loser as you three."

I rolled my eyes, "Whatever."

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