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Me and Peter were texting and decided tonight we were going to have a Disney movie marathon. I went to my dad's lab to find him and tell him Peter would be coming over later. On my way to the lab I found him with Steve and Wanda.

"Hey dad, is it okay if Peter comes over later?" I asked.

"Yeah, that's fine. What are you guys gonna do?"

"Uh, we're going to watch Disney movies."

"Oh! Can we all join? We could watch Mulan, and Tangled oh and The Little Mermaid!" Steve said excitedly.

"Ugh, fine. Just promise you guys won't be annoying. And please, please, please don't tease Peter or me."

"Annoying? When have we ever been annoying?" Steve asked.

I rolled my eyes.

"Don't worry we won't." Wanda said.

I turned and went back to my room. A while later I started to pull out some movies that we could watch. When Peter got to the compound I met him at the front.

"Uh, so change of plans, it's not going to be just us." I told him.

"Oh, who else is joining us?" he asked.

"Uhh, everyone except Clint, he's still at home."

We walked to the common room and found everyone waiting for us.

"Alright! Let's do this!" Wanda said.

"What should we watch first?" I asked.

"Could we watch the one with the small mermaid?" Vision asked.

"The Little Mermaid?" I asked him

"Yes, that one."

"Ugh, fine. But we are watching Mulan after." Nat said.

I put the movie in then sat next to Peter. We had to squish on the couch so I ended up almost on top of him.

Throughout the movie everyone was making stupid comments.

"What the hell she's only 16? And she thinks she's in love with some dude she's never met?" Sam yelled at the screen.

I couldn't help but laugh at his anger. Steve, Bucky, Sam, Scott and my dad sang the songs as loud and off tune as they could. I turned my head to find Nat videoing them on her snapchat.

It was the boat ride scene. Everyone sat up and got ready to sing. Ariel and Eric would lean into kiss then pull apart.

"Oh my god! Just kiss already!" Peter yelled.

"Seriously," Bucky said glancing at me and Peter.

My eyes widened. He wasn't talking about Ariel and Eric. He meant me and Peter. I hid my face so no one could see it turning bright red. Soon the movie was over.

"Can we get food?" Wanda asked.

"Yeah, what do you want?" my dad asked.

"Umm, I don't know." she said.

"Well that helps a lot." he said sarcastically.

She rolled her eyes.

"How about Chinese takeout?" I suggested.

"Oh yeah!" Scott agreed.

"Alright. I'll go get food. Don't you dare start the movie without me." my dad said.

"I'll come with you," Steve said.

They went off and we laid around waiting for them to come back.

"Can we just start the movie?" Sam asked.

"Are you kidding? If you do that we'll have another Civil War!" I said.

He rolled his eyes and slouched down, "Fine."

Nat leaned over and showed us the video she took of everyone singing Part of Your World. I burst out laughing.

"That's amazing, look how into in Thor is!"

Peter laughed, "Bruce looks like he's about to punch him in the face!"

"Oh I almost did," Bruce said grinning.

Thor frowned then took Nat's phone. "What are you talking about? My voice is beautiful! You are just jealous."

"Did you really have to take a video?" Buck asked.

Nat grinned, "Yes I really did."

Bucky took the phone from Thor to watch it. He smiled. I could tell he was holding back his laughter.

"Okay, that's pretty funny."

Soon my dad and Steve got back. We watched Mulan and ate Chinese food. Once Mulan was over we watched Frozen (Thor's choice) then Moana.

When I said I wanted to watch Moana everyone groaned and said it was too late to watch another movie.

"Well too bad." I said. "Because this movie is amazing and we have to watch it."

I sat back down by Peter and snuggled close to him. He looked at me and smiled then wrapped his arm around me.

"Watch it Parker." my dad said making Peter tense up. I giggled at his reaction. Nat glance over at us and grinned.

"Leave them alone Tony." she said.

He rolled his eyes, "I was joking."

Peter relaxed slightly.

I looked over to see Nat braiding Bucky's hair. I grinned. Totally ship them, I thought to myself.

Steve and Bruce fell asleep while watching the movie. My dad got up grabbed a marker then drew a mustache and goatee on Steve's face.

"Wow, real mature." Wanda said.

He just grinned then sat back down.

Once the movie was over it was almost one in the morning. My dad said he would take Peter home so I gave him a hug goodbye then he left.

We all said goodnight then went to our rooms. We left Steve and Bruce on the couch not wanting to wake them up.

This one is kinda stupid so...sorry 😐

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