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That's a reminder of what your dress looks like ^^^

When I woke up in the morning I took a nice long shower. Once I got out of the shower I put on sweats and a t-shirt. I brushed through my wet hair then went to the kitchen. There I found Nat and Bucky talking.

"Where is everyone?" I asked them.

"Well most of the guys are picking up their tux's and I think Wanda is still asleep." Bucky told me.

I nodded. I got some food then sat down.

Nat smiled, "So y/n you excited for tonight?"

I rolled my eyes making Bucky smile. "I guess. Are you two going together?" I asked them.

Bucky nodded, "Yeah, we are." (sorry I had to...I just ship them so much)

"Awwww! So cute!" I teased.

Nat rolled her eyes, "You are so annoying sometimes."

"Hey you do it to me!" I laughed.

She got up put her dishes in the sink then looked at me, "I'll come to your room in a little bit to help you get ready."


Bucky then got up and started to walk away. "Where are you going?" Nat asked.

"I have to go pick up my tux." he answered.

She rolled her eyes, "Men. They don't do anything until the last minute."

He grinned then left. I finished eating then went to my room. Time was moving very slowly. It would be forever until It would be time to leave. I dried my hair then watched TV. It would be a while until I would actually have to get ready.

Nat and Wanda came into my room after a while. "Isn't a little early to start getting ready?" I asked.

Nat smirked. "It's gonna take a while to get ready and we have to get ready too."

"Well you two can get ready then you can get me ready." I told them.

"You sure?" Wanda asked.

I nodded. They looked at each other then left to go get ready. Wanda came back to my room a little while after. She had her makeup done and her hair was nicely curled.

"Aw, you look so pretty!" I told her.

She rolled her eyes then sat next to me on my bed. "So are you going with anyone?" I asked.

"I actually am." she told me.

"Ohhh, who?"


"Really? Huh..."

"What?" she asked.

"Nothing!" I said. "I just didn't think he would ever ask you out."

"Same here."

We watched TV for a little bit in silence. Then Nat came into my room with her arms full of makeup bags and hair supplies. "Alright lets get down to it. How do you want your hair done?" she asked me. She also had her hair curled and her makeup all done.

I shrugged. "I dunno, what do you think would look best with the dress?"

Wanda went to my closet and pulled it out. "Maybe half up half down?" she suggested.

Nat stared at the dress. "I know what to do. y/n sit down here." She pulled out a chair for me to sit on.

I sat down, "So what are you going to do with my hair?"

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