Chapter Twenty

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"I am so going to whip your ass at this," I told Jay as we changed into the bowling shoes. 

He laughed at me and scoffed. "Oh, you wish."

"I'm amazing at bowling. You are going to be eating my dust on the scoreboard," I said cockily. 

He raised an eyebrow and stood up, stepping close to me. I could feel his breath on my face and blushed slightly, but I couldn't take my eyes away from him. 

"Is that a challenge?" he asked quietly. 

I swallowed, hard, my cockiness quickly disappearing. I nodded and side-stepped around him, going to the lane we'd been told was ours. He followed me quietly. I bit my lip, trying to stop my happy grin. I was having fun. For the first time in a while, I was genuinely having fun. 

We put our names in on the thing. I apparently had to go first as the issuer of the challenge, and as the 'issue-ee' as Jay put it, he had to go second. 

Before we started we went to find a couple balls that were best for us, bringing them back to our lane. I picked up my ball and got ready. I threw it and watched it speed towards the pins, knocking them all down first time. 

"Yes!" I exclaimed, grinning as I walked back to the bench where Jay was sat. 

He rolled his eyes and patted my head patronisingly in congratulations. I laughed a little and sat down, watching as he got up to take his go, knocking six down on the first try and another two on the second. 

We continued as we were and I got a few more strikes, overall doing well. I couldn't help but laugh at how bad Jay was doing. He got so many gutter balls I went to ask the assistant to put the sides up. He sulked for the rest of the game, hardly even trying. 

I rolled my eyes, thinking of how cute he was. When the second game started, Jay groaned and fell onto the bench. I laughed and slid closer to him. 

"This was your idea," I reminded him. 

"I know..." he pouted. 

I smiled at him and kissed his cheek, trying to cheer him up. 

"Why don't I help you?" I offered. 

"Fine..." he muttered. Clearly he wasn't used to needing help. 

I smiled and took his hand, pulling him up and leading him to the lane. I picked up the ball he used and handing it to him. 

"It's technique," I told him. "With the sides up you can bounce it off them, or you can go straight down the lane."

The lesson went on and I even made him take a few of my turns. By the end of the game, the gap between our scores was a lot closer, by only twenty points or so this time...

"Maybe I should make you teach me again sometime," he murmured, staring at the scoreboard in surprise.

I grinned and wrapped my arms around him before I could stop myself. 

"Happily," I told him. 

He smiled down at me and checked the time. 

"Hungry?" he asked. 

"A little," I admitted, nodding. 

"Come on then," he said, taking my  hand and leading me out of the bowling place and into the car. 

We had a small dinner in the diner not too far from my flat. When we pulled up outside my block, I looked over at him, not really wanting to leave. 

"I'll see you tomorrow for your first day's training. I'll pick you up about 3, is that okay?" he asked. 

I blushed and nodded. We shared a quick kiss before I got out and went to open the front door. 

"Kaidan," he called from the car, his window down. I turned back to face him. "Do that checklist," he reminded me. 

"I will," I promised, nodding. 

I waved at him as he drove off before going into the block and once I was in my flat, I got out those pieces of paper he'd given me last night. I blushed bright red as I read over the list. 

Oh god, I was going to have to do a lot of thinking...

(A/N I'm not too happy with this chapter, what do you guys think? Bit of a stepping stone with some #TeamKay fluff ;) This chapter is dedicated to emolife22 for begging about the partner photo shoot XD ~MacBeka)

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