Chapter Seventy-One

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  • Dedicated to Ellen

When we got to Jay's place, neither of us could stop the massive grins on our faces, hands entwined and clutching. Jay turned the engine off after he'd parked and sat quietly for a moment, looking thoughtful. Just before I could ask him what was wrong, he spoke. 

"Race you to the door!" he exclaimed before dropping my hand and running to the door. 

I blinked in surprise for a moment before laughing and getting out, chasing after him. Jay, with his long legs and head start, got there a moment before me. I couldn't slow down quickly enough and ended up slamming into him, knocking the wind out of him. He laughed breathlessly and draped his arms over my shoulders, pressing a kiss to my lips. 

"You're amazing," he murmured, rubbing his nose against mine. 

I grinned, rolling my eyes. "Sure. If you say so, jelly bear."

"I do say so, so shush."

Chuckling slightly, I kissed him and stepped back so he could unlock and open the door. When he did, he took my hand and pulled me in after him, shutting the door behind me. 

"What do you want to do then?" Jay asked, loosely wrapping his arms around my waist. 

"Hmm... Cuddle with you," I answered, grinning again. 

"Cuddling sounds good," he mused, tipping his head to the side. 

I leant forward, kissing his neck gently. He hummed happily in response, closing his eyes slightly. I smiled a little, resting my head on his shoulder. 

"Would you ever want to do something like Finn and Ollie do?" I asked curiously, the thought crossing my mind. 

"Like what?" he said, looking down at me with a slight frown. 

"You know, the whole... bondage and dominance stuff."

"Oh, right." He was quiet for a moment. "The most I'd want to do is restrain you or something, maybe blindfold you. I wouldn't want to gag you, I like hearing you. Why, do you want something like that?"

I shook my head, playing with the hem of his T-shirt. "No, I was just curious."

"Alright. If you ever do want to try something, you just let me know, yeah?"

"You've got that questionnaire you made me do anyway," I murmured with a smile. 

He huffed a laugh. "That's around somewhere, yeah. Want to tick a few things off?"

"Hm... That sounds good. I don't even remember what I put on mine."

"It'll be upstairs."

Taking my hand again, Jay lead me up the stairs and down to a door I hadn't been in before. He seemed to hesitate before he opened the door and went in, pulling me behind him. He flicked the light switch on and let go of my hand at the door to go to a desk on the other side of the room. 

I looked around quietly. There were a few shelves with small trophies or medals on. Curious, I went to him, peering down to look at the little plaque on them. They were for pole dancing, so Jay had been in competitions? There were some framed photos on the shelf too, some of him holding the trophy with some other people, grinning widely. He looked ridiculously young there, though it couldn't have been that long ago. The stress and worry lines weren't there in his face, not like they are now. 

I glanced over at Jay; he was sifting through a filing cabinet cabinet, biting at his bottom lip slightly. Smiling a little, a looked around the rest of the room. The walls were covered in photos, some framed but mostly not. Going to the ones nearest me, I blinked in surprise. The first one I'd looked at was of Jay and a woman dressed in some sort of corset. Jay was standing behind her, holding her breasts and resting his chin on her shoulder as he grinned at the camera. She was grinning too, dimples in her cheeks. A sudden shot of hatred for this woman had me moving on to the next photo. 

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