Chapter Twenty-Two

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(A/N This chapter is dedicated to DoUbLeZone for writing her story Cell Mates, which has got me completely hooked and just waiting for the next chapter! ~MacBeka)

I sat back, finally finished with that bloody checklist... It was so embarrassing....I mean, it was just so awkward even thinking about it and because I'd had to fantasise about each point, it had taken much longer than it was supposed to and I had a massive hard-on by the end of it. 

Thankfully I was alone and I realised why Jay was adamant that I do it alone. Hopefully this would help him... Help him do what, I didn't know, but hopefully it would. 

I fell back onto my bed, bouncing a little as I landed. I sighed and rubbed my face with my hands. I needed a shower. A cold shower. Which was a good job considering that was all that my shower would supply. 

I laughed slightly at myself. I wanted to finally know what it was like to have sex with someone, and I was only really doing it to make money. I rolled onto my side to look out of the window. I'd changed; once I'd sworn that I would never sleep with someone I wasn't in love with, but here I was, about to have sex with strangers on film and get paid for it. 

I didn't feel bad though... Not really anyway. 

I glanced at the clock. 10 o'clock... I'd spent more than an hour ticking little boxes on a sheet of paper. I sighed slightly and rolled onto my back again. I wasn't tired. I didn't want to sleep. My mind was racing through thoughts and scenarios about what I'd be doing with Jay tomorrow.

Would we jump straight into the sex or... Would it be romantic? Was that seriously what I was thinking? Jay, romantic? Well... He had been really sweet, so maybe he would be. He seemed genuinely concerned that I was happy to give my first time to him. 

I closed my eyes, imagining what he'd be like when we finally got round to it...

"Kaidan..." he would murmur, his lips at my neck. 

I'd wrap my arms around him, running my hands over his back, feeling the muscles there. He'd gently kiss my neck and run his hands down my sides, making me shiver. He'd set his hands on my hips, squeezing gently.

"Jay," I'd moan softly as rubbed himself against me.

He'd kiss me gently and start to-

I was jolted from my happy daydream by the sound of the doorbell going. I groaned loudly and swung my legs over the side of the bed and got up, heading down to the front door of the apartment block. 

I was surprised to see Sam there. 

"Sam?" I asked as I opened the door. "What are you doing here?"

"Wanted to make sure you got home," he said, winking at me. I groaned and turned back, leaving the door open for him. He followed me in and up to the flat.

We sat on the sofa in the 'living room' that was basically just the old sofa we were sat on. 

"So how'd your date go? What did you do?" he asked, turning sideways where he sat. 

"We had lunch at McDonald's and then went bowling. After that we had dinner in the diner down the road," I told him. 

"How was it?"

"It was... Nice." I smiled as I said it. "He was lovely."

"Are you seeing him again?" he asked, smiling a little. 

"Yeah... Tomorrow afternoon," I blushed as he laughed at me. "He's picking me up 3."

"Where are you going?" 

"We're going back to his..." I murmured, blushing as I said it. 

He chuckled. "Oh really? And what are you going to be doing there?"

"Oh shut up... But I don't know really." Which was the truth. I knew it would be sexual but I didn't know how far we were going, or even how far I was ready to go.

Sam rolled his eyes at me. He stayed a little longer until I yawned and he told me to go to bed, that he'd see himself out. I nodded and stood, going to crawl into bed. When I heard the door shut, I smiled a little. It was nice to have an understanding friend, especially one that I thought would leave me as soon as he knew. 

I smiled to myself happily. I curled up under the duvet, burying my face into the pillow. I tensed slightly as I smelt Jay in my sheets. I giggled quietly and pulled my pillow into my arms. I moved it so I was resting my head and a hand on it, trying to imagine it was Jay. 

I closed my eyes, my imagination making me happy, and sleepy too. 

Tomorrow would be... interesting, enlightening, terrifying... I took a deep breath. Jay would make it okay.

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