Chapter Thirty-Seven

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"Everyone else thinks that just because they've been accepting into a porn agency that they're so hot and sexy and they're 'the bomb' as someone once actually said to me," Jay started, talking to me as he watched the TV, although I wasn't quite sure whether he was really watching it or not. "But with you... There's nothing in your mind to suggest that you've been the best thing to happen to any sexual partner you've had, that you've rocked their world, whatever. You're just, you, and I love that."

I blushed and peeked up at him. He was looking down at me now, his eyes curiously bright. 

"Alright then," I mumbled, resting my head on his bare chest again. 

He laughed a little and stroked my hair. I closed my eyes, just letting myself be happy for now and not focus on what was going to happen after we were done. 

After a few minutes of quiet except for the telly, the doorbell went. I groaned as Jay slid out from underneath me. I was suddenly cold at the loss of his warmth and pulled the blanket round me, curling up a little. 

I heard his deep voice as he spoke with the delivery guy. He laughed at something and I smiled at the sound. The door shut and the smell of food set my stomach going. 

"Hungry?" he asked, grinning widely. I nodded a little. 

He sat on the floor near my head, his back against the couch I was lying on. I sat up as he passed me mine and I opened it slowly. 

"This looks nice," I said, smiling a little. 

"It's lovely. These meals are pretty much my life." I laughed and started eating with the plastic fork he passed me from the plastic bag. "No, seriously, this is pretty much all I eat."

"What, seriously? Why?" I asked, frowning slightly.

He blushed slightly, looking a little abashed as he practically hid his face behind his food. He mumbled his answer to my question. 


"I can't use the cooker in my kitchen..." he muttered.

"Really? Aww, that's cute," I smiled as I ruffled his hair, my meal in its box balancing in my lap.

"Oh shut up..." he grumbled, blushing more. 

"I don't even own a working oven and I know how to use one," I grinned. 

He looked up at me for a few moments, chewing silently. He swallowed and continued eating as he turned away from me again. 

"What?" I asked, confused. 

"Well, you know how we're going clothes shopping tomorrow?" he replied. 

"Yeah... So?"

"I'm getting you a new apartment too."

I choked on the food in my mouth, coughing. I managed to swallow it before it could go all over Jay's white expensive-looking tile floor. 

"I'm sorry, what?" 

He can't have just said that. There was no way he just said that. 

He shrugged and glanced at me.

"I own quite a few properties and some are empty so you can stay in one," he said non-chalantly. 

"Um... Right... Okay... Sure..." I said quietly, trying to take it in. "I'll pay rent, of course."

He just laughed a little and shook his head. 

"No, babe, don't worry about that, it's fine."

"I can't do that, Jay, I have to do something if you insist on doing that!"

He rolled his eyes. "Fine then, you can pay me in cuteness."

"And what exactly does that entail?" I raised an eyebrow, not caring that he wouldn't see. 

"You continuing to be you: cute little Kaidan," he smiled up at me. 

"Right..." I couldn't process this. This was just insane. He was insane! 

We continued in silence for a while before he set his now empty tub aside. I could hardly cram any more in, there was just so much of it. 

"I have a feeling you don't like to waste things." I jumped at the sound of his voice. 

He was facing me now, his cheek on the edge of the sofa as he looked up at me. I blushed a little.

"I hate waste... I can't afford to waste whatever I get when I'm on my own..."

"Why?" he asked. "Why are you so broke? Surely your parents'll help you?"

I fell quiet and slowly set my box down, pulling the blanket around me again. 

"They're dead," I said quietly. His eyes widened. 

"Kaidan, I'm so sorry, I didn't--"

"Don't worry," I interrupted him. "You didn't know. I had quite a happy childhood, but my mum was a smoker and my dad was a gambler. All they left me when they died in a shooting at my house when the people my dad owed money to came to collect the debt. I was camping in the garden at the time... My cousin moved in to look after me."

"What about him?" Jay asked softly. 

"He hates me." I shrugged. It was just a matter of fact now. "All my parents left me was debt so I've worked since I was 16. Most of it was rescinded my the loan companies but I still had to pay a bit."

"So what do you do for work now?"

I opened my mouth to answer before my eyes went wide in shock. 

"I think I've probably lost that job by now..."

(A/N Boring chapter? Seems it to me but now we know about Kaidan's past. Not quite as depressing as Jay's but still not nice. Chapter dedicated to Silvertemper for the amazing comments on nearly all the chapters :3 This song just made me laugh when I thought about Jay singing it to Kaidan XD Dark Horse by Katy Perry ~Beka)

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