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the woman from the hospital had called me up and told me that daniel's condition has stabilised, and that i could go and visit him again today.

of course, i skipped school. because one: i slept at 5am and school starts at 8am, and two: i just really don't give a shit about my attendance.. like at all.

stepping back into the hospital, i saw a middle-aged couple talking to the woman from yesterday (more like today). they had worried looks on their wrinkled faces and they talked so quickly i couldn't make out a word they were saying.

after around 3 minutes, they thanked the woman and left the hospital. the woman caught my gaze, approaching me with the warm smile that never seemed to leave her face, no matter what.

honestly, i was a little freaked out by it, but i just tried not to look at her face.

"you're kang daniel's girlfriend, right? his parents just left, they were the people i was talking to a moment ago." she explained, and i let out a noise of understanding.

"they just finished visiting him, they couldn't come yesterday because they were still in busan. oh! and, kang daniel has woken up, his condition is pretty stable right now." the woman stated as she brought me over to the ICU, where daniel's ward was located at.

"really? can i talk to him?" i inquired, a bit too excitedly. she nodded, but her smile dropped, making me furrow my eyebrows.

"yes, but there's something i have to tell you. kang daniel doesn't seem to remember anything that happened in the past, when his parents visited him earlier on, he couldn't recognise them." i stared at her, my eyes wide with confusion and a tinge of disbelief.

"daniel.. he can't remember anything? does he remember his name?" i muttered, the voice that came out from my mouth trembled.

"it doesn't seem like he does. he's in a state of confusion right now, so please don't stress him out too much, or his condition will worsen. also, please don't worry too much, i'm positive that he will fully regain his memories with the right help and a bit of time." the woman patted my back. i couldn't force words out of my mouth, so i simply nodded.

she seemed to get the message that i didn't want to talk, and opened the door to daniel's ward so i could go in to see him.

he laid on the hospital bed, his skin almost as pale as the sheets. his dark hair was messy, his bangs covered his eyes. the same pair of eyes that smiled everytime he smiled, were now staring at me with a foreign expression.

the tubes that were connected to his body yesterday have been removed, so i could finally see his face clearly. there was nothing different about his face, apart from a few small scratches here and there and the dark circles around his eyes.

he looked the same. and i wished that he could say the same about me.

"daniel.. do you know who i am?" i mumbled in a soft voice. once i got permission from the nurse that was taking care of him, i walked over to the end of his bed. i don't know why, but i expected him to smile. to give me one of his stupid little grins and tell me one of his dreadful pick-up lines.

but he didn't smile. his chapped lips stayed in a straight line, a sight i was very unfamiliar with. his tired eyes bore into mine. tilting his head a little, his face contorted into a look of pure confusion.

"am i supposed to know who you are?" he answered, although it came out more like a question.

at that moment, i swear i felt my heart break into a million shards, and every shard it broke into pierced the inside of my body.

i told myself that i wouldn't cry, but a single tear rolled down my cheek. daniel's eyes grew larger, and the confusion that stained his facial features turned into guilt.

"yes, daniel. you're supposed to know who i am. i'm kim jaerin, do you really not remember me?"

he shook his head, and i felt another tear roll down my cheek.

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