Chapter 3 Stopping it Before it Starts.

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It was the next morning. The storm outside had slowed down. Dipper and Mabel were asleep on the sofa in the living room. Dipper then woke up. "Mabel, wake up, do you smell that" he says. Mabel wakes up and is met with the same smell Dipper is referring too. "It smells like, pancakes" she says. The two get up and walk into the kitchen. There they see Ford cooking. "Good morning Grunkle Ford" says Mabel. Ford gasps a bit and looks behind him to see Dipper and Mabel standing there. "oh, good morning kids" he says. "I did not think you would be up yet". "Well it was hard to sleep with such an amazing smell flowing through the house" says Mabel. "Oh, you mean breakfast" says Ford. "I did not know what you might have wanted so I just thought maybe pancakes." Dipper and Mabel sit down with Ford and try his homemade pancakes. "Wow these are delicious" says Dipper. "You like them" says Ford, surprised someone liked his cooking. "like them, I love them" shouts Mabel. "You know grunkle Stan also makes pancakes" says Dipper. "He calls them stancakes. Partly because his chest hair falls into the batter while he cooks". "Yesh, sounds like Stanley to me" says Ford. "You know when we were kids, he tried cooking eggs for breakfast to surprise mom, the next thing I knew, the kitchen was on fire". Dipper and Mabel started laughing. "Stan nearly burned down the shack on the first morning we got to Gravity Falls" says Dipper. "He tried cooking for us and he set the stove on fire". "Let's just say while he's not the best cook in the world, at least we don't have to call the fire department every week anymore". They all start laughing.

After breakfast, Ford showed Dipper and Mabel around the shack, even some of his experiments. "This is all amazing grunkle Ford, but do you think you could help us fix our time machine" says Mabel a bit hesitant. Ford looks at Dipper and then back to Mabel. "uh hey, Mabel, I need to talk to Dipper, privately for a bit" says Ford. "In the mean time, how about you listen to some of my records". Ford points to some records in the living room. "I personally like the ones by Queen" he says. "uh ok" says Mabel who walks into the living room. Ford then tells Dipper to follow him into his private study. "So Grunkle Ford, did you figure out what was wrong with the machine" asks Dipper. "Well it took a while, but I traced the problem down to this fuse" says Ford pointing to a burned out fuse he removed from the machine sitting on his desk. "Whatever futuristic society built this still relies on old technology to keep these new things running. The fuse blew out after being over heated. I think I have a spare one laying around, I just have to replace it and the machine will be as good as new". "Oh jeez, that's a relief" says Dipper. "Thanks, grunkle Ford, now we can get back, uhh, by any chance do you still have the journal I gave you". "Ah yes that's why I wanted to speak with you privately Dipper" says Ford. "I have no idea what went wrong but its like I lost my mind when writing this book". "Paranoia, fear, not wanting to trust anyone, truly worrying". "I know you might be a bit disappointed Dipper. That your talking to the author and he has no clue about his own research".

"No not at all" says Dipper. "I came to you before I was supposed to". "You have not even written this book yet". "Thanks Dipper" says Ford. "You've read through most of this book right" asked Ford. Dipper nods his head. "So maybe you can help me figure out what happened" he asks. "oh, of course" says Dipper who starts to go all fangirl excited that he is about to help the author. "I read through most of the journal over night while trying to fix you machine" says Ford. "I noticed that everything went bonkers after this page" Ford flips the journal to the page on Bill. "I think I read a bit about this" says Dipper. "I kind of fell asleep before I got to this page" says Ford. "Well according to what I saw through the journal, this thing called Bill Cipher is some sort of dream demon" says Dipper. "Maybe that's the him your referring to at the end of the journal". "hmmmm, very possible if you ask me" says Ford. The two of them decide to split their time up. Ford begins searching for the fuse to fix the time machine, while Dipper reads through journal 3, looking for as much information on Bill he can find in it.

After about an hour, he figures it all out. "Grunkle Ford" he yells racing towards the desk Ford is working on. "I think I figured it out, what happened". "It appears that you met Bill a year from now in a cave. He tricked you into building a portal to other dimensions". "Other dimensions" says Ford. Why on earth would I make that even if a demon told me to do it. "It says here you thought it would help you discover, the grand unified theory of weirdness" says Dipper. "The Grand Unified Theory of weirdness. That's my end goal with all this research" says Ford. "Man, if I knew this Bill guy would lead me to the GUTW, I would have hunted him down earlier". "You didn't let me finish" says Dipper. "Whatever happened, it went wrong". "Bill tricked you, see". Dipper shows Ford the page where he scribbled all over. In big red letters, it said plane and clear, "I WAS A PUPPET", "MY MUSE WAS A MONSTER". "Oh, my goodness" says Ford. "I nearly destroyed the universe in my endeavour to become a great scientist"? "Well I mean, we did kind of warn you now so," Dippers sentence is cut short. "I see what this all means now" says Ford. "You came here to warn me didn't you". "I promise Dipper. I won't let my guard down. Ill make sure this demon wont ever be summoned. Thank you, Dipper, for warning me before things went wrong". Dipper did not know what to say. He had just saved Ford from making a huge mistake, and even the universe. "Uhh your welcome" he says, trying to follow along to what Ford has said.

"So, did you fix the machine" asks Dipper. "Oh, ya I did" says Ford. "It should work perfectly now". "Well I guess this means its time to for me and Mabel to head back home then" says Dipper. "But I can't help but be worried about that". "What do you mean Dipper" asks Ford. "Well I did just stop you from meeting Bill, I stopped you from going missing in the future, I can't help but worry about how much I effected the timeline by telling you this, heck even meeting you is enough to effect it" says Dipper. "Whatever happens Dipper, just know, you helped save the universe today" says Ford. "Even if by accident you landed here, no matter how different the future will be, it will be for the best". "Thanks Grunkle Ford" says Dipper. The two of them head upstairs to get Mabel. When they reach upstairs they find Mabel dancing around to Ford's record collection. "Oh, hey Grunkle Ford, hey Dipper" says Mabel as she turns off the record player. "Man, 70s music is awesome" she says. "You were right grunkle Ford, Queen is amazing". "I know right Mabel" adds Ford. The two of them high five. "Mabel, Ford got the machine working, we can go home now" says Dipper. Mabel smiles and walks next to Dipper who gets ready to fire the machine up. "Wait" says Mabel. "Will we ever see you again grunkle Ford"? "Don't worry Mabel, I think we will" says Dipper as he winks to Ford. Ford winks back. Dipper hits the button. The machine glows and the two of them are transported back to the future 😉.

The two of them arrived back in the field in Gravity Falls where the mystery fair was going on. "I hope we did not effect the timeline too much Mabel" says Dipper. "Don't worry Dipper, your over reacting" says Mabel. The two turn around to run towards the fair, Mabel hoping to win Waddles again and Dipper hoping he wont mess up with Wendy too much. Suddenly the two of them crash into a wall. They look up to see a huge building. What did they just do?

To Be Continued






Key: queen

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