Too Soon: Ford's Journal entry

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This was the inspiration for this story. This little idea I had of Ford writing an entry in the journal about hearing Dipper and Mabel outside. Funny, I never thought when writing this all that i'd eventually write a full story for it.

January 25th


I was having a nice cup of coffee as the snow fell outside. Then all of a sudden, I heard a zaaaappp. Then I heard a girl yell what I think was "this thing is getting hotter". Then I heard what sounded like a futuristic thing charging up followed by "hot, hot, hot". Then I heard what sounded like a boy yell "what did you do" to the girl who yells back "I don't know". At first, I ignored it assuming some kids were playing in the snow and probably spilled their hot chocolate but it was strange that it was so near to my house as almost no one ever comes near here. I then decided to get up and see what was going on but then as I was getting up I heard the two voices scream and then another zaaappp noise and then silence. Along with that I noticed a blue light coming from behind the shades over the window. I turned on the light and opened the door to see who or what it was that was making that noise but when I did look, I saw nothing. So, I closed the door and started to go back to the kitchen. However, I then remembered I saw what appeared to be footprints. So, I put on my coat and went outside to see what had happened.

First thing I noticed were two pairs of footprints in the snow. Oddly they started in the middle of nowhere. No tracks were coming towards my house from the woods and stranger then that, the tracks stop almost as quickly as they began with two skid marks in the snow as if someone slide and made a small pile of it at the end. No tracks as far as could see lead outwards which was very odd. Looking at the footprints that were there I noticed some unusual features. The first pair of tracks that appeared to go further then the other had a shoe thread design I have not seen before. It was nothing like the boots I have or any shoe I own. They looked like jogging shoes but they were pretty athletic looking (something I personally do not understand). The shoe prints were very futuristic like if I do say so myself. The other pair of prints trailing the first pair had similar shoe thread designs on them as well but there was on thing missing. Who or what made these tracks had an anomaly. I quickly narrowed these footprints to be of a human (2 to be exact). The second person was missing a shoe. They were running with only one shoe on. I looked around to see if I could find that shoe but after an hour of searching, I found nothing. Whoever left these tracks and made those sounds just disappeared into thin air.

January 28th

So, to sum this up in one way, I heard strange noises and screaming/arguing, found footprints that started and lead to nowhere with shoe prints that are of nothing we have right now and basically what appears to be two people who vanished without a trace. I thought about alerting the local police department about this incident as the voices and feet sizes are from a child and someone could have lost a child nearby the area and I may have found evidence that could lead to finding them. However, I quickly gave up on trying to do that for two reasons. First like I mentioned the tracks lead to nowhere and who ever they were are just gone. And secondly, I checked Gravity Falls news and radio for a while after this to see if this was a missing child case but nothing came up and if it was a missing child it defiantly would be on GF news as they have not had any proper news story in years. What do I personally think that was, I can't say for certain. During my college days, I had read a book on time travel and how people claim to have travelled in time and went through portal like things to rewrite history. While I quickly returned that book labelling it as complete nonsense, it may have not been all wrong. Is it possible what I heard and saw was a possible pair of time travellers? Its unlikely but not impossible, and if there's one thing I have learned so far is that in Gravity Falls, even the impossible can be possible. Either that or I have become sleep deprived again, I think ill brew another cup of coffee now.

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