Chapter 4 Not The Future I Wanted

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Turning the corner revealed just what they had stumbled across. Surrounding the shack (without the mystery shack sign on it) was a huge laboratory. At the top stood a huge six fingered hand, the symbol of the journals. "Woah what happened Dipper" says Mabel. "I think that we changed the past so much that grunkle Ford achieved his goal" says Dipper. "Don't you see Mabel, grunkle Ford is now a brilliant scientist, come on let's look inside". "yeah, ok" says Mabel who is a bit nervous. The two of them sneak inside the building from an unguarded back door and are instantly transported into a completely different world. Rooms upon rooms of labs. Inside some of them, scientists studying various specimens and creatures. They see various paintings and photos on the wall. Nearby there is a tour going on with people checking out different rooms of the lab. Dipper then notices the journals, all three of them on display in a glass case. A sign above them reads "The journals that started it all". "Hey" a voice yells. Dipper and Mabel look behind them and see a security guard. "What are you two doing here, visitors are not allowed in this area" he says. "Oh, uh sorry, we were lost" says Dipper. "Yea were just leaving" adds Mabel. "Do you have your visitor's cards" says the guard. Dipper and Mabel start to panic. They don't know what to do. They then hear footsteps coming from the other side of the hall. Around the corner a man in a lab coat walks by. Its Stanford. "Hey Mike, have you seen Greg anywhere, I need to ask him about" Ford suddenly stops when he notices Mike the security guard and next to him, two familiar looking children. "Dipper, Mabel" he says surprised.

"Ford" The two of them say. "You know these two Mr. Pines" asks Mike. "Its ok, they're with me" says Ford. The guard releases them. "Come with me kids" says Ford. Dipper and Mabel follow Ford into another room. It was a huge room, almost like a larger version of the living room in the shack. They see photos of Ford from his many achievements. From meeting the president, the ground-breaking of the lab, winning countless awards and meeting some of the worlds greatest minds. "Have a seat" says Ford. The two of them sit down in two huge leather chairs. "Uhh Grunkle Ford, what happened after we left" asks Dipper. "Right I was gonna explain that" says Ford. "After you two left, I implemented the changes you told me. I made sure not to venture to the cave and I was able to discover the grand unified theory of weirdness elsewhere". "Woah that's awesome" Says Dipper. "I ended up publishing it and scientists from all across the globe flocked to Gravity Falls to see the weirdness for themselves. It got so popular I created a laboratory for brilliant minds to study the land together". Ford then shows them a photo of when the laboratory opened several years earlier. "The Stanford F Pines Laboratory for the science of the weird" he says. "We've discovered many things since our investigations have increased. We discovered the cures for many diseases and its made me and many others become extremally wealthy". Dipper is left completely amazed. He can barely hold in his excitement.

"Hang on hang on" says Mabel. "What happened to grunkle Stan". Ford looks over to Mabel with a slightly saddened expression. "I kept to the promise your brother made with me Mabel" says Ford. "He made me promise to make sure whatever happens, Stanley would be here too. I searched for him and tried my best to find him. But he simply vanished. I'm so sorry". Dipper and Mabel did not know what to say. Grunkle Stan had disappeared. "I still have not given up hope though" Ford says to reassure them. "If he's anything like what he was when we were kids, I'm sure ill find him soon enough". "probably working as farmer in the amazon somewhere in Bolivia" Ford says.

"What about us" says Dipper. "Well since your related to me, you two acquired a lot of my wealth as well" says Ford as he points to a painting. The painting is a photo of Dipper and Mabel swimming in a pit of money, a money pit. "You two were currently on vacation in the Caribbean. That's why I was surprised to see you two. Then I realized, you two must be the Dipper and Mabel from the past".

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